Your Dream or Mine: The Next Chapter

You can do anything you want to with Roxy King-Clark

Episode 79

My guest today is Roxy King-Clark, all the way from the Falkland Islands.

Roxy's story of how a bout of illness as a teenager turned into a longer term illness and then a twenty year battle with anxiety will show you that even in the face of adversity it is possible to move forwards!

Roxy believes that ultimately you can do anything you want to and if you've been listening to me for a while you will know that that is absolutely my mantra too.

If you believe it you can make it happen.

Read that again.

If you believe it you can make it happen.

Now, we recorded this episode AGES ago, at the time of recording Roxy was all about marketing but now she's gone all in on her menstrual cycle coaching business - find her here on Facebook!

Have a listen to the episode and do let me know your thoughts! If you enjoy the episode please subscribe and leave a five star review, that makes this podcaster do a happy dance.

Oh and don't forget to take my quiz! Here's the link.  When you have found out what type of dreamer you are please add it to your stories on Instagram and tag me in! 

See you next time my fellow dreamer.....