Your Dream or Mine: The Next Chapter

What is your definition of success?

Episode 94

What is your definition of success? 

What does it look like, feel like, smell like?

How will you know if you have become successful?

Success means different things to different people - and it isn't always about money.

Have a listen to the episode then tag me in a story on Instagram and let me know what success looks like for you!

If you enjoy the episode please leave a review and subscribe. The more reviews and subscribers I get the more people I am able to reach with my podcast.

Do come and find me on social media, I am mostly on Instagram....oh and don't forget to take my quiz! Here's the link.  When you have found out what type of dreamer you are please add it to your stories on Instagram and tag me in.

See you next time my fellow dreamer.....

PS. If you love listening to my podcast I'd love to have a coffee with you to find out how it helped you! Click here to get that organised.