gcLi Leadership Podcast

Leadership; Brain Development and Gender Equity

August 13, 2021 gcLi Season 1 Episode 113

JoAnn Deak, Ph.D, is Scholar Emerita, the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute, developmental psychologist, author and educational consultant. 

Dr. Deak has spent more than 20 years as an educator and school psychologist. She began her career as an elementary teacher and then received her Ph.D. from Kent State, one of only three universities in the United States to have a specialty in preventive psychology. At Kent State, she focused on how to assess environmental, school and family patterns that lead to the healthy development of children and, conversely, those patterns that cause issues, problems and disabilities. Following her graduate work, Dr. Deak spent several years in private practice and then served as the director of the lower school and middle school at the Laurel School in Ohio. She was also Laurel’s founding director of early childhood. She left Laurel in 1999 to expand her role as a consultant to schools worldwide on issues of brain development, gender equity and optimal learning environments for boys and girls. Dr. Deak has been an advisor to Outward Bound, a past chair of the National Committee for Girls and Women in Independent Schools, on the advisory board for the Center on Research for Girls [Laurel School], for the Seattle Girls’ School, Bromley Brook School, the Red Oak School, Power Play and GOAL. She consults with organizations and schools across the United States. Most recently, she has worked internationally with schools, organizations, associations and parent groups in every continent [except Antarctica!], including Argentina, Australia, Borneo, Canada, China, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, France, India, Kenya, the Philippines, Morocco, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. She has been awarded the Woman of Achievement Award by the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools, the first Female Educator of the Year Award by Orchard House School, and the Outstanding Partner for Girls Award from Clemson University. She has been named the Visiting Scholar in New Zealand, the Visiting Scholar for Montessori Children’s House and has been the Institute Scholar for the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute in Colorado Springs since its inception. Dr
Deak has written three books:

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, Little Pickle Press, 2011. [Also available in Mandarin, 2012, from The DEAK Group or Jiangxi Universities and Colleges Press]

How Girls Thrive, Green Blanket Press, 2010. [Spanish Version: Assi alcanzan el exito las ninas, Green Blanket Press, 2011.]

Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters, Hyperion, 2002. [Now available on ebooks.]

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