Psychology America with Dr. Alexandra

For Couples: The Second Shift

February 27, 2019 Dr. Alexandra, Psychologist

Text me a question I might answer through the show

You and your loved one have each had busy and full working days and you both feel mentally and physically tired.  It’s now evening and you’re both home.  At this point, who continues to “work?”  Who is still seen moving  around - getting things cleaned, getting things ready, cooking, and caring for the needs of the home and/or children?  The time we spend working after working hours, which includes those evening times and weekend hours, is referred to as the “Second Shift,” a term coined by author Arlie Hochschild.   In this episode learn:
** What research has found about men and women today - who works more overall?
** How to discuss and negotiate the Second Shift responsibilities of living together
** Steps to take if your spouse or loved one doesn't wish to change

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