Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,

Unlearning the thoughts keeping you stuck

January 17, 2024 Wendi Wray | Life Coach for Busy Military Women, Female Military Leader, Women Warrior, Military Mom, Female Veteran, Woman Veterans, Military Transition Coach, Military Lifestyle, Post Military, Women Soldier, Productivity Coach Episode 202
Unlearning the thoughts keeping you stuck
Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
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Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
Unlearning the thoughts keeping you stuck
Jan 17, 2024 Episode 202
Wendi Wray | Life Coach for Busy Military Women, Female Military Leader, Women Warrior, Military Mom, Female Veteran, Woman Veterans, Military Transition Coach, Military Lifestyle, Post Military, Women Soldier, Productivity Coach

Ever feel like you're running on a mental treadmill, going nowhere fast? Break free from that cycle as we uncover the art of unlearning negative thought patterns that are keeping you stuck. In today's episode, I discuss the detrimental impact of self-doubt and the false narrative that busyness equals worth.  It's time to embrace a mindset of abundance propels us toward meaningful action and personal growth.

Tune in with me as we explore self-awareness as a tool for change, and how to authentically navigate the next phase of your journey—be it personal or professional. Let's commit to taking meaningful action toward personal growth.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever feel like you're running on a mental treadmill, going nowhere fast? Break free from that cycle as we uncover the art of unlearning negative thought patterns that are keeping you stuck. In today's episode, I discuss the detrimental impact of self-doubt and the false narrative that busyness equals worth.  It's time to embrace a mindset of abundance propels us toward meaningful action and personal growth.

Tune in with me as we explore self-awareness as a tool for change, and how to authentically navigate the next phase of your journey—be it personal or professional. Let's commit to taking meaningful action toward personal growth.

P.S.If you enjoyed this podcast, I'd love to ask you to follow and leave a quick review. It only takes 30 seconds, but it makes a huge difference to my show. Click here to open Beyond the Military in Apple Podcasts to leave your review.

Join us in the Facebook Life + Career Coaching Community at

More about coaching resources from me:

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Speaker 1:

Hello, ladies, and welcome to episode 202. I'm super excited that you're here today and I hope you're ready to unlearn. That's what today's topic is all about. Today, we are going to focus on what we need to unlearn, because it may be keeping us stressed or even in anxiety, or even suck. So I want to share with you all this concept of unlearning, because, most of the time, all we're trying to do is learn, which is a good thing. We're all about evolving and growing but I also want to encourage you to begin to unlearn certain habits or certain thoughts that are keeping you stressed or alone, stuck, and sometimes even just anxious. And so, again, being able to do this and I promise you, all you need is about five minutes in order for you to start unlearning Not only becoming aware of what you need to learn, but really just implementing this process on how you can begin to unlearn certain things that you don't even think or don't even know that you are thinking about. And so, for me, I know for the most part, we want to feel better all the time, we want to grow and evolve and we want to ultimately be well and have a great overall being over.

Speaker 1:

And so what I want to offer you today is that there may be things that you're thinking about constantly that you're not even aware of, that may be keeping you in this bubble of feeling stressed or even overwhelmed. And so the first thing I want you to practice is to be aware of the redundant thinking patterns that you're having, and by that I mean things that are not serving you. So what thoughts are you having that are keeping you in self doubt? So, for example, maybe you have a thought that you're not good enough, or that you're not experienced enough, or that you're not educated enough, or that you don't have enough value or skill set for, whatever the thing may be, your career or for your life after the military, whatever it may be for you. So are you constantly going back to those thoughts that are coming up over and over for you? And if that's the case, that's what I want you to learn. I want you to start learning, and by that I mean you want to be able to not get sucked into those thinking patterns.

Speaker 1:

Because that's what happens we get sucked into those thinking patterns, and then, when we do, we're feeling doubt or feeling discouraged, we're feeling unmotivated and we're even feeling stuck, and so the next thing that comes with that is the negative self talk. And they go hand in hand, because a lot of the times we are able to do this, talking negatively about ourselves to ourselves, we don't do it to others, or we don't do those or say those things to others because we don't want them to feel bad, we don't want them to feel terrible about themselves, even though we sometimes do think that, based on their actions or whatever it may be, the results that they're not creating, and so we want to be able to not do that to ourselves because it ultimately does not help us, and so we need to unlearn to do that. How do we do that? We literally have to remind ourselves that that is the other part of our brain that is trying to keep us safe and is trying to keep us from taking action, from doing other things or maybe even going out there and trying new things. Because, again, that's what we don't want to feel. We don't want to feel that negative emotion. If it's scary, we're like we don't want to get out of the military and be completely scared and just surprised of all the things that could happen while we're figuring it out or while maybe, financially, it could affect us, or even emotionally. We don't want to open that door, and so we want to unlearn to put the negative self talk away and instead we want to face what's in front of us. We want to be able to face what's really happening real time.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, if we're saying nasty things about ourselves or things that are not serving us, what is right in front of me? Okay, I do have this skill, I do have the education needed for this one thing, or I do know the steps to get to the next phase of this goal or this milestone, whatever it may be for you. And then my favorite one, the one that is constantly nagging at us, is that there's a lot more to do, and in order for us to feel better, we need to get more done, or we need to be able to get after it more. The more things we have to do, the better, and so if we can unlearn to think that the more we do, the more valuable we'll be, or the more of a great mother or a great wife or a great soldier or great officer, great leader, whatever your situation may be, the better will not only be in, the better we'll be with what we have going on already and we'll be more intentional with what we are doing now. So, instead of focusing on what else can I do and be constantly focused on all these other opportunities that I could be doing or could be having, instead of focusing on what you do have at hand in that moment what's in front of you, what can you be more intentional about what is in front of you? How can you serve more, in a way, you're at, versus still thinking of the other things that you could possibly do?

Speaker 1:

And what typically happens when you start learning these thoughts that are keeping you stuck, that are keeping you overwhelmed or keeping you anxious, you learn to focus on the thoughts that are going to help you. You know, how am I now capable of doing this one thing? The skills that I have? How is that gonna help me towards the goal that I have? The positive talk now that I'm having. How can I use that to my advantage? So, now that thoughts will give you the results that you are looking for, it'll keep you taking action in a way where you are serving, versus feeling like you're not enough, from a place of scarcity, that you need to do more in order to be more valuable or be more worthy.

Speaker 1:

So if this is you and you're like I'm, the one that's constantly having these redundant, negative thinking patterns and instead of hiding, I want to face them and I want to be aware of them then I want you to try this out. I want you to start asking yourself am I doing this? And if I am, I need to start learning, unlearning by being more aware. And here's the thing if this is something that you know, you struggled with and over and over, you're like okay, how do I continue to get sucked into this? I need help, I need someone to guide me and to help me be more aware of what I'm thinking.

Speaker 1:

I wanna invite you to schedule a free session with me where I will not only be aware of what you're thinking, what limiting beliefs you're having, but also give you a plan and an action plan for you to do and to walk you through along the way.

Speaker 1:

All you have to do is go to winderaycom For slash consult and you'll be able to schedule a free consultation there where, again, you and I will spend 45 minutes together and we'll walk through every single milestone that you have where you are the gap that we need to fill and help you make a plan, help you with the process, cause that's the only way that we can get to the next phase having a process and following through with that process. All right, ladies, I hope that this episode blessed you and that you're able to take the only action now by being aware of what you're thinking, how you're going to use what you've learned here to unlearn those thoughts that are keeping you stuck and keeping you from showing up for who you are. All right, have a beautiful rest of your week. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Unlearning and Positive Thinking
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