Rugby Coach Weekly

Chicken or the egg: Games before skills or vice versa

Dan Cottrell / Jack Pattinson

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Jack Pattinson, academy and DPP coach at London Irish, in the South of England, talks to me about how he plans his coaching and what principles drive his sessions.

I challenge him about the balance between skills training and game training, what the future player needs to know and how he measures success.

We discuss:

  • The difference between coaching grassroots and academy rugby
  • How he helps players love the game
  • How do we measure success in our coaching
  • Creating World Class young mean and what that means for a 15 year old
  • What are the primary principles of the London Irish academy
  • Should we be coaching players for what the game might look like in five years’ time
  • Why a coach needs to more than a “catch-pass” teacher
  • What a plan looks like, and how much it might change
  • Free play – how to incorporate it into sessions so it adds value
  • A destination for your coaching plan
  • The chicken or the egg – do you coach the game and then see what skills are needed or vice versa
  • How new rules changes can create a better game

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