God's Unfolding Promise To Renew the Whole Universe

Episode 2: The Women in Luke's Gospel

Matt Season 1 Episode 2

In this week's episode, we explore the role and prominence of women in Luke's gospel.  This Sunday's reading is from Luke 1:26-56, which includes the Magnificat and Mary visiting  Elizabeth's visit.  We often miss the fact that these are the only two times (except for Anna [2.36-38] whose words are not recorded only that she spoke about Jesus) when a woman in Luke's gospel speaks and is not corrected by a male character.  Women are frequently mentioned in Luke's Gospel, but their roles are often diminished in status and power.  Leaving us to wonder, can this gospel still be a word of God for a modern world?  Especially since at least half, the modern world is female.  In this episode, we begin to explore reading these troublesome texts.