From Lab to Launch by Qualio

Fundraising Fundamentals with Greg Yap and JP Sanday from Menlo Ventures

Qualio Episode 25

Today’s guests are Greg Yap and Jean-Paul (JP) Sanday from Menlo Ventures where fundraising is the #1 priority for almost every founder in life sciences.

Menlo’s 5 P framework for investing: Program, Platform, Portfolio, Partnerships, and People. 

Greg invests in teams trying to solve major problems in life science and health care, with a special interest in novel therapeutic platforms, digital health, and transformative technologies. 

JP focuses on vertical SaaS and enterprise software. He is excited about the future of work, infusing lives with intelligent automation, and democratizing data analytics. JP’s favorite part of his job is partnering with passionate founders to build a business that matters. 

These relationships are informed by JP’s own experience as an executive in hyper-growth companies, where he learned the critical role that culture plays in setting up a company for success. His conversations often focus on the “job” a product is hired to do, and he firmly believes customer retention is the best way to build a lasting company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Founders: Know the difference between a platform company and product company
  • Capital: If you want to raise capital, approach investors in an altruistic and human way
  • Value Chain: Life sciences has evolved and the future outlook of regulated industries is how most countries adopt the most-stringent regulations

Show Notes: 

Greg Yap

Greg Yap’s Email

Greg Yap on LinkedIn

JP Sanday

JP Sanday’s Email

JP Sanday on LinkedIn

Menlo Ventures 

Sparta Systems


FDA - Classify Your Medical Device

European Union - Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR)


Recursion Pharmaceuticals

Cofactor Genomics

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Music by keldez

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Music by keldez