The Whisper Collective Podcast

Identity, Interruption, and Inspiration as scholars

Narelle Lemon, Inger Mewburn, Tseen Khoo and Jonathan O'Donnell


Narelle Lemon, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Bertha Chin, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia Borneo
Bron Eager, The University of Tasmania, Australia
Kay Hammond, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Megan McPherson, The University of Melbourne

This IN CONVERSATION event explores how our story telling widens the conversation about wellbeing and self-care in higher education, not just individually, but collectively. We provide hope. We share with compassion. Both of which we would argue we all require as we reframe our identity in higher education where wellbeing and self-care are a part of what we do, not ignored, an add-on, or something we do when we have reached exhaustion, burnout or even worse.

Recorded 29 June 2022 for a collection of events to celebrate launching the book series: Wellbeing and self-care in higher education: Embracing Positive Solutions. Find out more at:

You can watch a video of this event here: 

Free downloadables available here: