The Whisper Collective Podcast

Self-care - Putting your own mask on first (Part 1)

Narelle Lemon, Inger Mewburn, Tseen Khoo and Jonathan O'Donnell

We want to be the kind of academy we want to see: inclusive, empowered, engaged and kind. We promote this through our joint project: The Whisper Collective. We are:

Inger Mewburn from Thesis Whisperer
Narelle Lemon from the Wellbeing Whisperer and Explore and Create Co
Jonathan O'Donnell and Tseen Khoo from The Research Whisperer

The second episode in this series of  the Whisperfest series: is 'a workshop' with Narelle of the Whisper Collective and Dr Michelle Tichy (Rollins College, USA)

This session was recorded on the first session of day 1 of Whisper Fest 2020. This is a recording of the session "Please put your mask on first: Self-care as self healing" .

Positive psychology and contemplative practices inform this interactive session where we highlight what wellbeing and self-care is for those of us working in higher education. We dig deeper into a toolbox of resources that can support you, us, and we. 

This podcast episode captures the first third of the session with  Narelle and Michelle focusing on what wellbeing and self-care are with practical meditations offered and the unpacking of self-compassion.

Part 2 of this session continues in episode 3.