The Whisper Collective Podcast

Researchers who podcast

Narelle Lemon, Inger Mewburn, Tseen Khoo and Jonathan O'Donnell

Podcasting, eh? Everyone and their pandemic puppy seems to be making podcasts these days.

To crowd the bandwagon even more, Research Whisperer Tseen Khoo (La Trobe University) invited some fab poddy colleagues to  help her create this meta-resource: a podcast about podcasting, through a researcher lens.

In this episode, there's talk of the pros and cons of podcasting for a researcher, and it includes tales of  joyous, productive connections as well as professional vulnerability (and even terror).

Tseen's savvy and uber-nerdy (in the best possible way) guests are Lauren Gawne, Ryan Gustafsson, and Inger Mewburn.

This podcast was created as a resource for La Trobe University's RED team as part of their 'Communicating your research' program. Editing and production support was provided by Inger Mewburn and Matt Smith (@nightlightguy).


Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo)

Ryan Gustafsson

Inger Mewburn (@thesiswhisperer)