3 Degrees of Freedom

Ep 23 - Jay Helms - The W-2 Part Time Investor Success Playbook

May 25, 2021 Derek Clifford Season 1 Episode 23

Jay Helms really brought the goods in this episode, I think you will get a lot of value out of all the stories he has and how his wife has helped them open up his eyes to a better way to do things. Stay tuned because it has to do with abandoning narrow-minded focus.

Jay has created a community and a system to show parents how to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing, so they'll never worry about being acquired, fired, or laid off ever again in the W-2 world. Jay has spent almost 20 years serving the information technology industry of corporate America. With a mix of single-family, small multifamily, and apartment syndications, Jay and his wife have grown their real estate portfolio to over 320 units across four states in just six years of investing while working a full-time job and bringing three beautiful kids into the world.

In 2019, Jay founded the W2 capitalist community which is a resource for 30 to 40-year old married men and women who want to build multiple streams of income through real estate investing, so they can be even more present, both mentally and physically with their spouse and children.

You can find Jay and everything about his movement on his website w2capitalist.com. You can also reach out to him directly via email at jay@w2capitalist.com.

  • What book has had the biggest impact on you and why?
    The Go-Giver by Bob Burg, helps people get what they want, you will get what you want.

  • If people wanted to be JUST like you, what is the first actionable thing they could do to follow in your footsteps? 
    Get your spouse on board.

  • What small thing do most people not know about you?
    My wife and I actually met as contestants on a reality tv show, Catch Costa Rica.

  • How do you like to unwind and restore your own creative juices? 
    Getting up early in the morning.

  • Is there something special that you and your spouse like to do together?
    We spend Thursday morning at the beach as a family beach day.

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If you'd like to have a FREE copy of our 7 Ways Commercial Real Estate Syndications Protect and Build Wealth, simply click the link below. We are here and vested in your long-term success! elevateequity.org/7waysEbook