The Mommy Whisperer

Ep 18. College Credits in High School

April 08, 2021 Heather Anderson

Today is an idea day.  I share with you some things you need to know so that you can get your child some (or many) college credits in high school.  This will not only give them a jump start on their future, but some pretty incredible confidence as well.  

If you would like to know more, please CLICK HERE to come to my FREE Workshop: How to help your high school student earn college credits without changing schools or adding hours to their day.  I hope to see you there!

Do you need help figuring out your child, some better parenting tactics, or even yourself?  Let me be your mom life coach, if even for a free 30 minutes.  Come talk to me.  Sign up for a 30-minute FREE Coaching Call with The Mommy Whisperer.  Go to