
Time Savers That Don't Take Time!

August 09, 2022 Nancy Fredericks Season 2 Episode 43

A New York Post survey found that the average woman wants an extra 82 minutes a day to accomplish all she would like to get done. Does this represent your feelings? Then, listen carefully. I’m willing to bet you’ll want to tag one of the three I recommend right away as your next new line of attack. I'm willing to bet they'll be career game changers.

ThriveWithNancy Podcast addresses the tricky points you run into daily as a woman executive. Nancy Fredericks shares all the secrets she’s acquired as an experienced thought-leader. She’s passionate about sharing practical, insider solutions with women executives to tap into on your way to achieving all of your career hopes and dreams.

No one generates a fulfilling, successful career alone. Explore two opportunities to boost your career in 2022.... 

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Thrive@Work MasterMind program is a monthly 90-minute virtual community of professional women committed to growing and developing their careers through real-life, in-the-moment learning. Join this group of dynamic women acquiring the secrets rarely shared regarding career success for women--one that is satisfying and fulfilling to you. Check it out at: 

Speaker 1:

Hey you fabulous. Executive women. Are you overwhelmed, stuck in a losing race between time and your daily must dos. Are you ready to hear tips that will turn this feeling around? And the best part is that they won't eat up any of your precious time to implement, stay tuned. You won't wanna miss any of this. Welcome to thrive with Nancy. This podcast is dedicated to you, an executive woman who has done well in your career, and yet you haven't completely figured out the secret to realizing all you intend. Let's get with it. A woman's day. Always, literally, always is filled with overwhelming responsibility, both in work and their personal life. Leaving little or no time left over for yourself. Time is a precious commodity. And unlike any other resource, you can't save it for another day. Once it's gone, you can never reuse it yet. I don't see it treated with the due respect. It deserves is that you, by any chance, taking time for granted, as you're caught in a whirlwind activities, busily shifting from one project to another, always stressed, overloaded, and rushed, no surprise with a recent New York post survey, finding that the average woman wants an extra 82 minutes a day to accomplish all she would like to get done. Can you relate? I bet you're eager to hear the three time savers then listen carefully. I'm willing to bet you'll wanna tag one of the three ideas I'm giving you right now as your next new line of attack. Ready to answer questions about yourself. Do you practice cultivating your thoughts? You know, amidst the chaos and stress of your work life. Holding positive intentions are not easy falling prey to negativity, restricts the breadth and depth of your career possibilities. So I gotta tell you, you need to learn and learn early how to foster a spirit of optimism. You know, that half full glass view of the world. It enhances your professional evolution. Here are two immediate actions you can take that will change your thinking. As it frees up your time. Flip, your thinking switch is a big one. Ask yourself if you have developed unhelpful thought patterns, which have you spiraling the drain, leaving you stuck wasting your energy on unconstructed activities while missing positive opportunities. This reaction is a sign you're overstressed and disconnected from the thinking part of your brain. Due to that old fight flight or freeze modality, you know, not an appropriate response. I've gotta tell you for and on the rise executive instead create a mantra that has you reconnecting with your cerebral cortex responsible for, you know, things like the higher level process of the human brain, including reasoning, thought intelligence and decision making, all of which is kind of crucial to accomplishing your job. What's the mantra I use. You know, I'm happy if you wanna take it on for yourself or generate one. What I say is I have more than enough time to complete everything I need to get done and die, and you should keep chanting it internally until you sense your once again, plugged into your thinking machine, you know, the brain. And by the way, this also includes your self talk. This area is one of the most important shifts I made. I always was a tough grader, you know, kicking myself right left for every minor infraction. I was much more severe on myself than I ever was on anyone else around me. That is until I started shifting my mindset instead of swirling forever in unhealthy wise. And how stupid can you be? Et cetera, et cetera. I turned my inner dialogue into, huh? Not what I intended to do, but it is what I did now. What do I do? Do you see how it takes you out of the spiraling down into momentum forward? It immediately stops my mind from stewing over the breach I made and gets me into healthy action. Again, try it out and see how much time you gain. What's the next one, recognize mole Hills. Instead of weaving them into mountains, it's easy to get lost in the minutia. When in fact it is a minor element in the mainstream of your career, take a deep breath, stop losing yourself in the finicky details, gain perspective and move forward focused on the end result desired one step at a time. You'll be stunned. How much extra time this creates in your day. As you discover the ideal environment for your brain to support you in producing results. Number two question. Are you able to control the landslide of interruptions you experience every day, without question interruptions are time Wass sucking up huge chunks of your productivity. It's a fact that on average, you're interrupted seven times per hour lasting about five minutes per incident. Wow. We're losing approximately four hours a day and yet 80% when surveyed assessed the interruptions as having little value to no value. Does that sound like your day? No wonder you experience overwhelm your calendar is filled with others, nibbling away at your time with modest to no return on your investment. I know you wanna be productive. I know that without question, what can you a savvy professional woman do about this? Keep in mind you can't eliminate all interruptions because some of them, well, it's a fact it's your job, but there are three practices that will change the tenor of your day. And won't add any time on your calendar. In fact, it will clear a lot of fruitless calendar drift you experience, you know, where people keep drifting into your calendar and you can't get'em out. So what do I say? Well, start proactively scheduling interruptions on your calendar because you know, they're coming block in time on your calendar. For those interruptions, you'll find them less frustrating when you manage the out of control a bit, never ever fill your calendar a hundred percent with commitments. When you do, you are intentionally. Hear that you're intentionally scheduling a fiercely stressful unsatisfying day. Next, develop a talk to file for each person you deal with regularly, advise them to hold questions for scheduled meanings, unless it's an emergency you'll soon learn who has a handle on what is urgent and what is it allowing you to mentor self-sufficiency into them. And don't forget to role model this behavior yourself, no unnecessary interruptions of employees on your part, please. The third one is interruptions are often nothing more than a process. Failure you'll soon recognize consistent patterns. Then it is your job to respond to them as you would any other system breakdown by fixing them to not consider that some of your interruptions are a system. Problem means you are making the decision to live with it. No matter how annoying it is. The third question, are you proud of your multitasking abilities? Yes. In the arena of multitasking women own it. No surprise to you. I'm sure. Particularly if this is the life saving habit you tap into frequently. However, even though you can multitask and you are good at it, should you? The answer is no, not automatically. Sometimes it works for you, but more often than not, it doesn't rather than reactively responding from your natural multitasking style. Be discerning, think deeper and don't let all the urgency surrounding you, suck you into a response that isn't helpful in any way to you instead, pause and ask yourself two questions. The first one is, does a task require a single focus for excellence, whether kissing your child goodbye for the day or reviewing an important contract. And the second one is this what I should be focusing on right now, whether glancing at a text message or mentoring a staff member. If your answer is a legitimate, no, it is time to rely and work with your awesome core gift of multitasking. Then start weaving magic by juggling what is on your plate because you can, and you are good at it. But if the answer is a yes, focus don't even consider multitasking because you'll end up squandering time instead of expanding it, that defeats your purpose. Have you identified which of the three time savers you intend to incorporate into your day to day activities? This high stakes time regrouping is meaningful for your future success and will stop you running ragged, the work cycle that has you exhausted all the time. There's nothing that will have you looking forward to your day more than unlocking extra time on your calendar. So what will you take on immediately from this podcast? Are you planning to realign your mindset for your thriving career? Or how about interruptions? Anything you're preparing to do differently or will you initiate asking yourself the all important two questions before you begin multitasking endeavors, I'm confident you found value in these, these three tips. They are a career game changer when taken on, I'd appreciate you hitting the like button or subscribe to this podcast by now, you know me and you know, I'm committed to helping executive women find a fulfilling satisfying career. One that you look forward to going into work every single solitary day. Well, maybe not every day, but almost every day, because much of the pressure is gone. And I can't do that alone in order to help a lot of executive women. I need you spreading the word. Will you please do that for me? Hey, did this podcast get you thinking a bit differently about your career? If you have, I would be honored if you're prepared to explore a partnering relationship with me to develop and add more executive level skills to your bag of tricks, check out the, your strategic edge coaching program. I offer with extras such as the$125 a month thrive at work mastermind virtual program with other dynamic executive women, just like you for free. Check it out at www thrive with If after exploring, you're interested in learning more, you can click the link on the page to schedule a free discovery call with me. I'd love to discuss how together we could achieve. All you see and hope is possible for you. Let's explore bringing all your giftedness and possibilities to life. Remember no one ever makes it to the top or even arrives at their next career. Destination alone. Talk to you soon.