
Mastering The YOU In-Charge Of Your Career

Nancy Fredericks Season 3 Episode 52

As a woman executive, you'll discover this podcast is vital to experiencing a satisfying, fulfilling career. It explicitly addresses two internal and two external concepts that will have you mastering your future.  If you're ready to move your career forward in a direction that resonates with YOU, you will want to take advantage of the transformative ideas.

ThriveWithNancy Podcast addresses the tricky points you run into daily as a woman executive. Nancy Fredericks shares all the secrets she's acquired as an experienced thought-leader. She's passionate about sharing practical, insider solutions with women executives to tap into on your way to achieving all of your career hopes and dreams. 

No one generates a fulfilling, successful career alone. Explore two opportunities to boost your career in 2022.... 

Ready to knock over every stumbling block standing in the way of the career you've aspired to achieve? You can have Nancy Fredericks in your back pocket through YOUR STRATEGIC EDGE coaching package…it comes with a ton of extra goodies. Check it out at:

Thrive@Work MasterMind program is a monthly 90-minute virtual community of professional women committed to growing and developing their careers through real-life, in-the-moment learning. Join this group of dynamic women acquiring the secrets rarely shared regarding career success for women--one that is satisfying and fulfilling to you. Check it out at: