
Thanksgiving Is More Than A Holiday

Nancy Fredericks Season 1 Episode 25

A Thankfulness attitude makes a habit of turning your life and career upside down in a good way. No wonder all the great gurus of current times...and in times past...promote the concept. This podcast is overflowing with practical amplifier quick hits to get the ball rolling. Ready to amplify?

ThriveWithNancy Podcast addresses the tricky impediments you run into daily as a woman executive. Nancy Fredericks shares all the secrets she’s acquired as an experienced thought-leader. She’s passionate about sharing practical, insider solutions with women executives to tap into on your way to achieving all of your career hopes and dreams.  

Chaos isn’t the only stumbling block getting in the way of the career you’ve aspired to achieve. You can have Nancy Fredericks in your back pocket through YOUR STRATEGIC EDGE coaching package…it comes with many goodies. Check it out at:

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Hi everyone. And welcome to thrive with Nancy, a podcast, exclusively for women committed to succeeding. No matter what the business culture throws at you. Our topic today, Thanksgiving is more than a holiday. Yes, I know it's a bit traditional because we're in that season, but seriously, this is something you want to listen to because it has tips to help you succeed in a way that's glorious. And has you alive? So yes, thankfulness is a powerful component for your career. No wonder all the great wisdom gurus of our time. And in times past promote thankfulness, you know, it's an added value frame of reference to your life and your career. It's an expansive outlook. The world around you gets better and better in every way. As you recognize all that is good in your career and your life. And more importantly, it's a choice. So you have control over it in no way am I saying it's an easy attitude to acquire, let alone sustain. It entails an uncompromising commitment to self and the kind of life you want to experience, not just today, but for every day thereafter, it's a growth amplifier. That's my first tip. You can't get around it. Fear and other diminishing emotions are limiters as Earl Nightingale. The old business guru who has long since moved on into a heavenly space, says 40% of worry never happens. 30% are in the past and can't be changed. 12% are needless worry about health. 10% are petty and needless and only 8% are real legitimate worries. Look at how much wasted energy you spend in circling the drain. While Thanksgiving on the other hand delivers a reproduction factor with research, revealing that Thanksgiving and appreciation increase your resiliency in the face of doom and disaster. All of which aren't you experiencing right now, and all of which are part and parcel of today's world. I don't have to remind you that a spirit of Thanksgiving consistently enriches your life. It does so by increasing positive feelings, such as happiness, joy, satisfaction, wellbeing, and contentment. Hmm. Not bad emotions to feel on a full-time basis. Second it's a tomorrow amplifier. We humans have been hardwired to hold onto negativity with a more potent grip than the positive circumstances that are also occurring in our lives. Isn't that crazy backward, but it's clear this inherent coding limits your perspectives mightily. That is if you allow it to for brighter tomorrow, then you're today. It's time to switch the switch. When you are future oriented, as Thanksgiving stimulates within you, it unlocks potentially ality and creativity in larger doses into your career. Such an attitude. Has you living in your goals and dreams right now, way before you ever actually experienced them? It's as Stephen Covey, the famous author was known for saying creation happens first in your mind, before it becomes your reality. Everything concrete in your world is second creation. You are always fashioning your world, whether intentionally or not third, it's a possibility amplifier. A thriving career has a lot more to do with keeping your eyes wide open for opportunities that could never happen and would go unnoticed. When your feelings are way down by circumstances, research over the past decades. And it was confirmed by UC Riverside uncovered that Thanksgiving, isn't only a pleasant emotion. It appears Thanksgiving, spearheads people into believing they deserve positive outcomes and are capable of achieving them. Wow. I love that. Don't you love this success, attitude, yourself, breakthrough thinking, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can generate unlimited possibilities and potentiality rests in your hands, such an attitude, magnifies all that you draw into your today and all your future. Today's fourth. It's a belief amplifier. As you focus on all the good entering your orb of influence, you permit your brain to absorb more and more of the goodness. This chosen frame of reference, and it is chosen. Has your receiver tuned into greatness and increases joy and peace and compassion and contentment in your world. And it has those emotions sticking to you like burgers, a commitment to this attitude just plain, has you feeling better? And it gives you a solid foundation to face the frustrations continuously coming your way, bombarding you as they attempt to throw you off kilter. The bad news is that when you choose to respond to life, absent an attitude of Thanksgiving, it impacts your career leaving. You stuck. It's a production amplifier. Is it a time to topple any fallacies you may have that are holding your career back from being everything and all it can be many tend to focus primarily on the problem. You know, the what isn't working, thinking that by taking on this solution driven attitude, it equates to success. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so much. In fact, such an exclusive emphasis tends to expand the number of problematic issues you're dealing with every day in your career. That becomes the entirety of your horizon, the entirety of your view, nothing but problems. Yes. Being a solution player can be a leadership quality. Still when you're trapped in such a thought process, you miss out on essential ingredients to career success, such as white space creation, thinking, engaging employees and generating an energized proactive culture that in genders, more and more of the same, yes, solving breakdowns, reduce costs, but profitability and growth emerge out of ideas. And we all know that's what counts in organizations. And that's what leaders pay attention to spreading thankfulness is a gift for everyone, particularly in business, where a study by John Templeton foundation reveals that the workplace is the least likely place to express gratitude for Americans. Gosh, that's sad. What persona do you aspire to display to those around you? One of living as a victim to circumstances, or do you choose to be the calm in the storm as you discover unexpected gifts and Thanksgiving in every circumstance you encounter and help others to see the same doing so open doors for longterm benefits. I know which attitude I'm out and out committed to bringing more of into my career in life. But more importantly, it's categorically about who you intend to be and the quality of life you intend to live. Let me wrap this up with a neat bow, with an example from Michelle Lewis, CEO of visibility, Vixen that I read about in an article entitled why gratitude is important to business by intelligent change, as she tells it, quote her first years as an entrepreneur were tough. She had no one around to tell her what to do and the business was not going very well. At first, she spent months banging her head against the wall, trying to realize what was wrong and what should be changed. It finally hit her. It was crucial to change her perspective and gear it towards positivity. So she did something very simple set up hourly affirmations with phrases. Like I welcome new members into my group every day or every time I take care of myself, my income increases and so on. She was basically trying to stay grateful and appreciative of herself. Although her business seemed to be going nowhere. It felt crazy at first, but she had nothing to lose. And this gratitude training seemed to work after only a day or two. She started making sales today. She attributes this success to her enhanced positivity and the feeling of gratitude that others could feel as well. Thankfulness can change everything. Ready to shake yourself up with action. Quick hits to start the ball rolling in this area for you commit to letting everyone know when you're thankful for actions where they've made a difference. Stop periodically no better yet set aside a few minutes daily to save her moments of thankfulness instead, fully relive the affirming emotions, all of which renew your inward spirit, make it a practice to discuss what is going well during your department meetings or with your subordinates to soak in and celebrate all the goodness. Think about blowing a party horn or a noise maker, twisting that noise maker to bring in Reveley consider, keep a gratitude, thankful journal. It doesn't have to consume a lot of your time. Even five minutes a day can produce results that are positive in your life. Write a letter of thanks to all those, you appreciate be specific. Just a few sentences will be impactful. There are plenty of additional actions, so you can choose to solidify your thankfulness. And these are great starters. If you choose to take them on, there is so much wisdom not to mention research that what you focus on expands thankfulness is contagious. So did any of the amplifiers resonate with you? Are you now committed to adding one or more amplifiers to your career arsenal? It's a subtle attitude adjustment that changes your future in a good way. I know. I know it isn't always easy and it, most assuredly is well, well worth the effort. Okay. So I hope you're feeling really positive and thankfulness. And are you ready to knock down any negative barriers standing in your way or you're ready to take this one step further in your career. What's holding you back. Imagine working with me to take on your strategic edge right now, right? This moment. Can you imagine how much more effortless and faster your career March to success will be and how much more joy you'll experience on the road? Test it out. Sign up for a free discovery session with forward slash executive forward slash looking forward to talking to you soon.

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