
Love and Serve

Nancy Fredericks Season 2 Episode 30

Your ability to Love and Serve is the multiplying characteristic that propels your career forward. And they’re also the factors that generate corporate expansion and profitability.

ThriveWithNancy Podcast addresses the tricky points you run into daily as a woman executive. Nancy Fredericks shares all the secrets she’s acquired as an experienced thought-leader. She’s passionate about sharing practical, insider solutions with women executives to tap into on your way to achieving all of your career hopes and dreams.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to thrive with Nancy, a podcast, typically for executive women intended to untangle any in all career concerns you might bump into along the way to promotions and salary increases. But this one is also great to pass on to your male peers. I know you must be questioning how our podcast topic love and serve is relevant to your leadership, but I promise the insights you hear will be transformative while running a leadership mastermind program. Recently, one of the participants shared during a really nitty gritty discussion on management quote. It was recommended to me in college that we should never think of our employees as family. It blurs the line. These comments came from a young, newly emerging leader. What I thought, well, I agree. We can't bring our emotionally immature sibling rivalries or jealousies into the mix, but a family unit that supports and dare I say loves one another and wants the best for each heck. Yes, I was shocked that this sediment regarding leadership is, is considered applicable in today's marketplace. When you get into the trenches where effective real life work cultures exist, caring, respecting, and trusting are fundamental to advancing your career. It may feel uncomfortable to place your future on the softer side of the business. I get that yet. They're vital for your continued growth. You see everything dramatically shifts when you're now responsible for generating an effective, smooth running operation. At this point, how you motivate your people, becomes the core competency for your future leader. Success. No question about it. The soft skills such as caring, respecting, and trusting come into play big time. It may feel uncomfortable to place your future on the softer side of the business. And it's part of your growth. Yes, your well honed expertise in is your entrance fee to business and why you are initially hired. And it's also mandatory to obtain promotions early in the game, but don't count on leading with merely your know how long term or you may find your career stalling or even worse face planting when you lease expect it. We all know, or at least have heard that those executives exhibiting their soft skills ability on their career journey are the one senior leadership tap on the shoulder for higher level positions in the organization. And whether it's spoken out loud or not at the root of all of these promotions, our love skills, that's what soft skills are all about. Let's take a quick peak at the quantifiable results achieved. When you tap into some of your soft love, math AFI qualities, trust it's hiring and believing your people want and will do what is right embracing trust. As a core element of your leadership arsenal to engage employees is essential. Research has shown that high trust organizations, total return to shareholders that stock price plus dividends is 286% higher than low trust organizations. Oh, wow. Is that big empathy? It's the ability to understand, to share another's feeling. Does that sound way too emotionally gushy, to be talented as a leadership trait, you'd be wrong. A fortune article reported employees nearly unanimously agree on the importance of empathy yet. 92% feel it remains undervalued. No question. It pays off in improved business outcomes for companies and manager who utilize empathy as one of their tools, acknowledgement it's daily attention to what your staff is doing, right? And letting them know you noticed HubSpot says that 69% of employees will work harder when they feel better appreciated. And Forbes writes that employees who feel their voices heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered, to perform the best work, adding weight to the acknowledgement. Argue one study documents that 84% of highly engaged employees were recognized. The last time they went above and beyond at work. So how is your acknowledgement muscle? If you're so busy spending time on the nuts and bolts of projects, you end up forgetting the people you manage. Everyone loses you, the manager, your company, and your employees. You that's a lot of stats. I hope they clarify for you. The advantage of developing the softer approach. And one might even concede that love creates a powerful foundation for success. And keep in mind that this is only the beginning. You'll discover many more love attitudes to boost the business culture. You foster along your management journey. Keep your eyes open because the culture you generate boils down to the values you have, which directly ties to your actions serve is the next discussion point of this podcast. It's not a new idea. You probably already have heard about servant leadership, a timeless concept that gained recognition in 1970 and is even more relevant to today. Let's dig into it a bit more. It's a simple philosophy that produces a positive ripple effect throughout the organization. And it starts by understanding the uniqueness of your people. Servant leadership is expecting and seeking the best in everyone and drawing it at, out in them, through serving it's about the growth and fulfillment of your employees at its heart. It's measuring success, not merely based upon the company's good, but your employees too. So what are some practical steps you can take? Diversity is everything managers in today's marketplace are trained to honor and appreciate gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, political viewpoints, and religion, and everything else in between. And even more critical for a thriving culture is to respect the diversity of thought. And it's an indispensable lens for a manager to be an effective diversity manager requires digging in to recognize that difference of thought is at the root of humans connecting or not. It is about being receiver centric. As a manager, such an approach is a fancy way of saying you can't address your staff exclusively from your frame of reference, as it often creates barriers to being followed. So make sure you know, how they best obtain information and shift your preferred mode to align with their favorite form. It's easier than you think when you pay attention to your staff, what do I mean by that? You wanna listen to how your employees explore issues and then how they explain the conclusions they came to as a clue to where their preferred receiver centric style is. Take on the, what I call or looking for gold mentality that has you asking open-ended questions where you're searching for all the greatness, not closed ones, where it appears you're looking to expose all of their missteps, searching for the good in your employees, generates outstanding results and has been validated over and over. Let's look at a couple of those validations. Liz Wiseman's research explores defining characteristics and behaviors that separate great leaders from those viewed negatively. She found a commonality. What was it? Liz calls them multipliers or the multiplying factor. By the way, the name of her book is multipliers. As leaders. They manage employees based upon their employees, genius and strength. Not only did these multipliers achieved two times the productivity, did you hear that? Two times the productivity from their employees, but their employees also got smarter. Wow. What's not to like about that. Marcus Buckingham explores improving performance and employee engagement by focusing on what they're doing, right. Instead of what they do wrong. He found that paying attention to what people are good at, what they value, where their talents resides and their unique personality is a requisite for a manager's toolbox and wrapping it up Gallop for on that employees whose managers focus on their strength, reduced the actively disengagement rate in their company. Quite a bit of this podcast focuses on words, but they're never enough. I anticipate you've also seen it necessitates consistent in alignment with what you speak. It's only then that you open hearts to believe and engage and give more than asked, generating positive transformative results, always rests in the choices you make. You have to understand that your rise to the top is a balancing act. It isn't because of what you can produce or how tough you are as a manager. No, it is about your capacity to deliver through others. Your ability to love and serve is the multiplying characteristic that will propel your career forward into high gear. And they're also the factors that generate corporate expansion and profitability. My desire for you is that you experience every day filled with joy, fulfillment, and purpose, and that love and serve becomes your automatic response, amid chaos, troublesome employees, and impossible time grudges with these attitudes embedded in your heart. And action, you'll discover your career is limitless. You're the only one who could truly bring this into being. And I hope you recognize that by the way, if you're looking for more, I'd love for you to check out the, your strategic edge program. You can partner with me, an executive coach who has aided thousands of men and women in unlocking secrets for expanding their careers. I can do this for you too. No question about it together. We explore diverse ways to bring possibility into being for you to realize your professional aspirations. Hey, check out www thrive with I'd be delighted to support you. Remember no one ever makes it to the top alone.