The iamthepossible Podcast

Christians, do THIS when you feel discouraged!

February 22, 2024 Treveal C.W. Lynch Season 5 Episode 122
The iamthepossible Podcast
Christians, do THIS when you feel discouraged!
Show Notes Transcript

Are you discouraged about a situation in your life?

Is there something you're dealing with that has you a little deflated or down today?

The truth is, being a Christian doesn't protect us from getting discouraged in life, we all, no matter who we are will face discouragement at some point and time and when this happens, it's important to know how to seek God and find the strength we need to carry on and keep the faith!


In this episode, Treveal C.W. Lynch discusses the importance of encouraging oneself in the Lord and finding strength in difficult times. 

He shares the story of David and how he encouraged himself in the Lord when faced with great distress. 

Treveal also reflects on his own struggles and the need for clarity in pursuing his goals. 

He emphasizes the power of memory and encourages listeners to remember and meditate on God's victories. 

The strategy he offers is to remind oneself of past victories as a source of encouragement and strength

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Encouraging oneself in the Lord is important in times of difficulty.

The story of David serves as an example of finding strength in God.

Clarity is not always necessary to move forward; trust in God's leading.

Using the power of memory to remember God's victories can provide encouragement and strength.


Encouraging Yourself in the Lord
David Encourages Himself in the Lord
Finding Clarity and Overcoming Discouragement
The Power of Memory

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Treveal C.W. Lynch (00:01.398)
Hey, what's going on guys? Travel C.W. Lynch, Mr. What What, founder of I Am The Possible, and welcome once again into the I Am The Possible universe, the place where possibilities become perspective. Guys, thank you so much for rocking with me once again in the place to be. There is so, so much for us to see. I am here to serve you. I am here to help you to regulate and to elevate your mind.

and your mentality. Guys, today, let's jump right into it. We are talking about encouraging yourself in the Lord. Finding strength, finding a place of encouragement. I'm recording this without a title, okay? I'm gonna go ahead and confess that right out the gate. Obviously, I'll give it a title when it's all said and done, but right now, I don't know what to title it, but it's something to the effect of just how to encourage yourself in the Lord.

how to just rebuild that faith and just to get that strength, man, to continue to stand firm on what God has promised you, what God has spoken to you, those things that you are believing God for. Sometimes we just need a friendly reminder, right? To be encouraged, right? To keep going, to keep fighting, to keep pressing on.

And so if you find yourself in that place today where you are in need of a little encouragement, you know, maybe you're a little down, maybe you're a little discouraged, maybe you know, you felt like quitting, giving up, throwing in the towel, right? However you name it and frame it. But you just don't have that zeal, that spunk, right? That fire right now. And you feel a little deflated. Well, hopefully today I can encourage you in

some way, in something that I'll say, something that I'll share, the scripture that I'm going to read. I just pray that today will be a day of great encouragement for your soul and that you will, you know, pick up the pieces, man, and you will continue to move forward, right? I was even praying this morning and really saying to myself, today, I'm just going to take another step in the right direction. Like I set that intention. I'm going to take another step.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (02:28.126)
in the right direction. And that's really, at the end of the day, as we say, that's all we can do and that's all that God has ever required of us to do, is to simply try, is to simply draw near and to do the very best that we can. And what I've discovered, even this morning, that when we do our very best, God absolutely takes care of the rest. So let me get into this, man.

I've already kind of opened up about the why, right? This is about finding yourself in that place where you're a little down, a little discouraged, and you need some pick me up. And so I wanted to share this scripture with you guys. And then I wanted to share a few stories just based on my morning prayer and my morning meditation. And hopefully again, I can encourage you in some way. Today I'm reading out of 1 Samuel chapter 30. 1 Samuel chapter 30.

It says, now when David and his men came home to Ziglag on the third day, they found that the Amalekites had made a raid on the south and on Ziglag and had struck Ziglag and burned it with fire and had taken the women and all who were there, both great and small, captive. They killed no one, but carried them off and went on their way.

So David and his men came to the town and behold, it was burned and their wives and their sons and their daughters were taken captive. Then David and the men with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep. They cried until they could cry no more.

Now I don't know what you're going through right now. I know what I'm going through and I'm gonna share a little bit about that right now. But David was in a bad place. I mean a real bad place. And this is not about comparing, but it's about relating. David knew great pain, great suffering, great agony. Can you imagine coming back to your hometown?

Treveal C.W. Lynch (04:54.958)
Think about where you live, think about your neighborhood, think about your loved ones, think about your children, think about your spouse. And you return from battle and you find everything destroyed. You find that someone else has come in and destroyed your property and taken your family for captive. Again, I don't know what you're going through, but I want you to...

Put it into your context, right? You name it, you frame it, you make it real for you. What is that thing for you that's gotten you down, that's gotten you discouraged, that's gotten you frustrated? David found himself in a position where he probably felt hopeless. I mean, they had already come in, they had already destroyed everything, and then they had already taken the family members.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (05:52.89)
He's coming into a situation where he and his men, they can't fight in that moment.

Everything's been stripped away, been taken away.

but the next sentence, it says David, or David's two wives had also been taken. I won't go into the names because I'll just mess that all up, but David had two wives, okay? And they were taken. Verse six, which is the most important verse. David was greatly distressed for the men, now this is his own team.

Imagine coming home, home destroyed. Your wives have been taken, your children have been taken captive.

And now David facing his own men. He says, David was greatly distressed for the men began to speak of stoning him because the souls of them, all, every one of them, were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. They're returning on David.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (07:16.706)
They were blaming David. The Bible doesn't go into detail as to maybe what they were saying specifically, but the context is, man, you got us into this mess. Man, you took us off to battle. You took us off, and because we left and followed you and listened to you and rolled with you and protected you, look what it got us. We're gonna take you out.

So not only does David leave and come back to a disaster, but he comes back to betrayal. He comes back to his own team turning against him. At this point, David has nothing. He has nothing. His wives, children, home, and now his own team, his own homeboys.

His own army is now thinking about taking him out.

The Bible then says, but.

And I know in our modern vernacular, when we use the word but, it cancels everything before.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (08:30.13)
It voids everything before it. It basically says everything that came before this, you don't have a lot of power.

Everything after the butt trumps and overrides everything that came.

But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

And that's my encouragement for you today.

to encourage and to strengthen yourself in the Lord.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (09:10.786)
You know, the last couple of days, as I continue to pursue this personal goal, dream, vision, prophecy.

in my life. When I start to do the daily work, the daily tasks, especially this past week, it's been rather challenging because I've been looking for a new level of clarity about certain things that I'm supposed to do, certain people that I'm supposed to contact, certain hands that I'm supposed to shake.

And I've been praying and asking God for clarity, and I've been meditating and thinking about, you know, who am I supposed to be connecting with? What am I supposed to be doing specifically, specifically?

I don't have any problem being in motion in general. I don't lack motivation, but I lacked the specifics. Where is my time and my energy and my effort supposed to be channeled? And because I lacked this level of clarity that I thought that I needed, I began to get discouraged.

And I felt like giving up. I felt like turning back. And I felt like hitting that pause button again. I don't know if you've ever heard any of my videos where I've shared one of my bad habits, one of my hangups, one of my issues in life is something called start and stop. I'll burst out the gate, I'll get going, but I don't always cross the finish line. I don't always finish what I start.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (11:05.994)
And I won't go down the path of breaking that all down. Just call it what it is. I'll get going and then I'll get sidetracked because I don't think that I have something that I need. It's funny. It's the very thing that I teach other people. You know, truly you have to practice what you preach and truly my misery has become my ministry. But this particular week, man, has been rough.

because I've been looking for this clarity, looking for this clarity. And this morning, I was listening to a message. And the message was talking about never going back and how the devil just wants us to stop. About how the only way we win is if the devil gets us to stop, or let me reframe that, the only way we lose. The only way we lose is if the devil gets us to stop.

The devil's victory is in our stopping. Our victory is found in our continuing. And a part of our continuing is our ability to strengthen ourself and encourage ourself in the Lord. Because our energy, our power, our wisdom, our knowledge, our strength, our us, it's finite, it has a ending. We only have so much to give. We only have so much.

that we can do before we run out and we find ourselves drained physically, emotionally, psychologically, even spiritually empty. But the Lord is a source that is inexhaustible, a source that never runs dry. It's a well that's never empty. There is no bottom to the well called God. There is no end to the source called God.

And so this is why David was able to strengthen himself and find encouragement in the Lord because the Lord always has strength and encouragement to provide.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (13:16.206)
And so here I am, man, praying and praying and praying after this message. And then something dawns on me, and that's what I wanna provide you as a strategy. Kind of shared a little bit about my story, and now I wanna give you a strategy. I've been setting the intention this year to meet you at your struggle, provide you a personal story, and then to provide you a strategy to get over and to get through your struggle.

as I share in your struggles.

As I was praying, I was praying, I was praying, the Lord reminded me. The Lord reminded me that I've never done anything great for Him.

because of what I knew. Now hear what I'm saying by that. I've always done my part. Of course I've learned things. I've gone to school, I've been educated. I read books, I've been certified. Yes, there is a part to play, right? Faith Without Works is dead. Here's what I'm talking about. I was looking for a level of clarity that I wasn't getting and I was ready to quit because I didn't have the level of clarity that I needed.

And this morning the Lord reminded me, I've never gotten you where I've wanted you based upon your level of clarity. At least not the level of clarity that you're seeking.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (14:37.854)
He reminded me when I and my wife and my son, when we relocated here to Southern California. 2000 miles away from Toledo, Ohio.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (14:52.374)
I knew, but I didn't know.

I knew we fasted, we prayed, and we heard, we believe we heard the voice and the will of God in our hearts to relocate, but we didn't know what we were doing. We were kids, we were babies, 23, 18, we didn't know what we were doing.

but we knew what we were doing.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (15:27.538)
Um, another instance when I got the I Am The Possible trademark, and I don't have time to go into all the backstory about that, but my goodness, like that's a whole video to itself. That's a whole testimony all by itself. But long story short, I had a lot of people in my ear telling me that I couldn't get it and I couldn't move forward and that it had already been taken and

and all of these laws around trademarks and all of these complicated websites and all these hoops that you had to jump through and just not knowing the lingo and the verbiage and not really being very educated in that world of patents and trademarks and dealing with the US government. I just didn't know that world and I had a lawyer, someone telling me, wrap it up, man, this is a no-go.

And I remember sitting there in the house. I can see it in my mind's eye even right now, sitting at that counter.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (16:33.874)
in my kitchen and I remember the Lord and pressing on my heart these very words.

I gave it to you. It's yours. No one can have it.

Like that was literally pressed on my heart. I gave it to you. It's yours. No one can have it. And so I got on the website, submitted my money. Wasn't cheap.

with fear and trembling. I didn't know what I was doing, man, but I knew what I was doing.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (17:18.126)
Fill in the blank, fill in the blank, fill in the blank. Upload this, upload that. Take this picture, put it over here. Upload this, select this, choose this. No guidance, no instructions, no tutorial. I didn't know what I was doing, but I knew what I was doing. Why? Because God was leading.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (17:47.03)
Here, I didn't know what I was doing.

But here I knew what I was doing.

And if you're just listening to the audio version, I pointed at my head, mentally in my mind, I didn't know what I was doing from an intellectual perspective. But then I pointed at my heart, and my heart, that heart, that feeling tone, as I've once heard it described, I love that description, the feeling tone of God. I felt the leading and the prompting as to what to do.

and in record time I was issued my...

official US trademark for I Am The Possible because he gave it to me. And I just started going this morning just through the California move and through the trademark and through so many other stories where I didn't have the clarity that I all of a sudden now today think I need in order to move forward and advance.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (18:58.294)
You know, sometimes you can get so smart, you can get spiritually dumb, you know? You can get so book smart that you can get spiritually dumb. Where do I get off needing so much clarity before I move forward in God?

I'm 46 years old. I ain't never won a battle because I knew how to use my weapon in that sense, right? I ain't never forcefully advanced because I knew the course and the path. I've just been following God. And again, that's not to say that you don't need any level of information. Of course I read. Of course I research.

Of course I study, of course I do all those different things, but just hear what I'm saying. I was looking for something that I thought I needed in order to move forward. And in the past, I've never needed that level of clarity to move forward. And the truth is maybe I'm scared. The truth is maybe I'm looking for an out. Maybe I'm looking for a way to shrink back. Maybe I'm looking for a way to not.

move into my destiny or to not step into my destiny. I don't know what it is, but here's what I do know. I'm determined to encourage myself and strengthen myself in the Lord, even as David did. Maybe I don't have to face what David had to face, but I got my own battles and you have your own battles. And today the strategy that I wanna lay out for you is very simple.

I want you to use the power of your memory. I want you to remind yourself of the victories. If you've been in this thing called Christ for any amount of time, you have seen, you have experienced victories in and through God. I want you today, like I did, to take a pen and a pad, and I want you to begin to write down your victories. Write them down.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (21:09.598)
as far back as you can remember, remembering the day you gave your life to God. Remember the day you surrendered, however you wanna say it. I got some people in the world, you know, getting all hung up on the word usage and all. The day you got saved, the day you became Christ conscious, okay? Take it all the way back and start to, you know, ask the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit.

Remind me of the victories. Remind me of the advancements. Remind me of the miracles. Remind me of the many, many ways that you have come through, how you've provided, how I did not know a way, but I knew the way, and the truth and the life. Yeah, man. Yeah. Maybe you don't have to know your way.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (22:06.678)
Maybe sometimes you just need to know the way. Sometimes knowing the way is good enough.

Sometimes it's the best. Because you get to experience a journey that you know. Wasn't about you. Wasn't about how smart you are. Wasn't about how brave you are.

you were depending on God. And now you got the opportunity to experience the love of God, because you know you didn't do this. God did, on your behalf. So use the power of your mind, the power of your memory, and remember, that's what that word means, to re, means to do over.

Remember an element do over the element of God's victories Do it over in your mind play it over in your

and write them down and meditate on.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (23:20.43)
Use your memory and meditate on God's victories, on God's goodness. And may you encourage yourself today and find strength in the Lord your God. That's it. That's what I wanted to share. Love you guys, praying for you guys, believing in you guys. Yeah, be encouraged guys.

Be encouraged. All right guys, that is it. Another episode down, another experience down. If you're watching on the two, please subscribe. Hit that notification bell so that you can get all the latest, greatest videos as I post them. If you're listening on a podcast platform, please leave a comment, a review.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (24:17.522)
If you're curious about anything that I shared, you can drop comments on YouTube down below, any questions that you have and I'll answer them. Or if they're more personal, hit me up at, fire off an email to me, trevelle at We'd love to hear from you. We'd love to answer any questions that you have. All right, that's it. Until next time, guys, let's remember.

to continue to regulate and to elevate. Be encouraged.