The iamthepossible Podcast

God Is The Answer If Life Is Overwhelming

February 25, 2024 Treveal C.W. Lynch Season 5 Episode 123
God Is The Answer If Life Is Overwhelming
The iamthepossible Podcast
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The iamthepossible Podcast
God Is The Answer If Life Is Overwhelming
Feb 25, 2024 Season 5 Episode 123
Treveal C.W. Lynch

If you feel overwhelmed today, go to God and get the rest you need!


In this conversation, Treveal C.W. Lynch discusses the importance of rest and the pressure to constantly do more. 

He emphasizes the need to filter opinions and not let them become burdens or prerequisites to God's promises. 

Treveal encourages listeners to find rest in God and to seek His wisdom rather than relying solely on the opinions of others. 

He reminds us that Jesus offers rest for our souls and encourages us to take time to rest and find peace in Him.

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Rest is important for our well-being and should be prioritized.

Opinions should be filtered and not become burdens or prerequisites to God's promises.

Finding rest in God and seeking His wisdom is essential.

Jesus offers rest for our souls and we should take time to rest in Him.


The Importance of Rest
Mental Checkpoints
Listening to Experts
The Pressure to Do More
The Ease of Building a Platform
Feeling Like You're Never Enough
The Guru's Advice
Finding Rest in God
Comparison and Expectations
Resting in Jesus

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Show Notes Transcript

If you feel overwhelmed today, go to God and get the rest you need!


In this conversation, Treveal C.W. Lynch discusses the importance of rest and the pressure to constantly do more. 

He emphasizes the need to filter opinions and not let them become burdens or prerequisites to God's promises. 

Treveal encourages listeners to find rest in God and to seek His wisdom rather than relying solely on the opinions of others. 

He reminds us that Jesus offers rest for our souls and encourages us to take time to rest and find peace in Him.

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Podcast Info


Rest is important for our well-being and should be prioritized.

Opinions should be filtered and not become burdens or prerequisites to God's promises.

Finding rest in God and seeking His wisdom is essential.

Jesus offers rest for our souls and we should take time to rest in Him.


The Importance of Rest
Mental Checkpoints
Listening to Experts
The Pressure to Do More
The Ease of Building a Platform
Feeling Like You're Never Enough
The Guru's Advice
Finding Rest in God
Comparison and Expectations
Resting in Jesus

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Treveal C.W. Lynch (00:01.09)
Hey, what's going on guys? Travail C .W. Lynch, Mr. What What. I am the founder of I Am The Possible. Welcome once again into the I Am The Possible universe, the place where possibilities, they become perspective. Guys, thank you so much for rocking with me once again and the place to be. So many amazing things to see, guys.

I'm on a mission to help you to regulate and to elevate your life. Today I wanna talk about rest and I wanna talk about the importance of rest. Last couple of days, I've been watching, listening, observing, taking in.

other people's, let's just call them opinions. You may call it expertise, you may call it wisdom, you may call it knowledge, may give it a whole bunch of titles. But I like the word opinion because it's a word of humility, right?

It's not that you know a thousand percent but in your opinion This is the best I got This is the best I can share. This is the best I mean even right now even what I'm doing right now the best I can do is Give you my perspective on it my opinion What I'm doing or what I would do if I was in a given situation?

And I think it's important for us to explore the idea when we're listening to other people, to put it in the context of an opinion. What it does is it helps us, and I'm gonna get to rest in just a moment, I'm gonna tie it all together. It's important that we look at when people preach, teach, share, give whoever you're listening to their due respect, their due...

Treveal C.W. Lynch (02:17.718)
you know, reverence, whatever you want to call it. This is not about disrespecting people. This is not about discrediting people, but this is about taking a step back and realizing that when people say things, when people share things, no matter how big of a personality they are, no matter how much success they've attained, no matter how big the stage or the platform in which they speak from is,

or how small in our perspective their platform is. Everyone should be on a level playing field when it comes to you're saying something to me and the influence that it has in my life. It doesn't matter who you are, it needs to be filtered. It needs to go through some checkpoints. You know how when you go to...

You know, out here in LA, right? You go to LAX, you go to the airport. You know, TSA, no matter how loving you are, no matter how polite you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how important you are, no matter how kind you are, Holy Ghost field you are, none of those things matter. When you try to go from the front door, the entry point, to get to your gate,

of whatever flight you're gonna get on. There are checkpoints. There are checkpoints. You gotta check your bags in. You gotta put, you know, either check in your luggage and you don't put the tags on it. They gotta weigh it. Like there is a process that you go through to get your luggage down, you know, and then just for you to get through, there's a entire process for you to go through, right? You have to.

go through the scanner, you gotta take off your shoes, you know, you gotta do all these different things. So there's these checkpoints before entry is granted. Now, if you do everything that you're supposed to do and you comply to the rules, then, you know, it may take you some time depending on when you get there, but ultimately, they're gonna let you through, but not without going through the checkpoints. And I think in the same way, we have to have mental checkpoints.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (04:44.866)
We have to have mental checkpoints. You know, the word of God talks about guarding our heart, right? It says above all things, above everything else, guard your heart, the seat of your consciousness, guard your, you know, it's also translated as the mind, right? The heart, the center of a man, right? Guard that space. Why? Because the word of God says that life itself flows from your heart. It's that important. It's that serious. So guard your heart because your life,

literally flows from your heart. And again, stick with me. I'm going to get to the rest in just a moment. I have to just kind of build this up for you. So I've been listening to these guys, man, you know, considered experts, considered gurus, high profiles, high personalities, well known. If I share their names, you would, you know, you would more than likely know who they are. And so I'm listening because I'm at a, I'm at a age and stage in my life where I'm looking to develop certain things on a

professional level. So I'm gathering information, right? Like I'm inquisitive, I'm curious, I'm in the learning mode because there are some goals and there are some God -given dreams that I have that have been, you know, that have not yet been fulfilled. I have a prophecy, you know, prophecies on my life that have not, you know, come to pass. And so I'm engaged in saying, Lord,

What am I to do? Where am I to go? What am I to plug into? What next piece of the puzzle am I to put in place, right? And so as I'm in this process of growing and developing in the professional space, my mind is open and I'm listening and I'm learning and I'm listening and I'm learning. And the way that this connects to rest and the thing that I really wanted to share with you today.

is because you may be in that space. It may not be a business, it may not be a profession, but you just may be in that space where you're just trying to discern God's will. You're trying to figure things out. You are at an age and stage in your life where you desire to know, what's my next move? What's my next step? Lord, what are you saying? What do you want me to do? And you're listening to sermons being preached. You're listening to...

Treveal C.W. Lynch (07:11.362)
you know, I don't know, maybe motivational speaking, you're listening, you're reading, you're taking in information because you're trying to discern and figure things out. And the more you are taking in, sometimes, sometimes, the more confused you are, the more deflated you are, the more emotionally exhausted you are, because the more you listen,

The more everyone's opinion boils down to more things that you have to do just the way they say or else you're never gonna get there.

This is something I've dealt with for quite some time. And this is something that I'm dealing with again and I'm noticing it. I'm aware of it. We live in a culture where if you have the latest, well, you ain't gotta have the latest. If you have a decent cell phone, decent wifi or some 5G, and you have an idea, you can become,

an influencer, you can become an expert, you can become the latest, greatest thing, you can become the next phenomenon. Like it's gotten that bad now, where everyone has an opinion, everyone is able to build a platform in minutes. Like literally, you can go online right now. Let's say you're just starting from scratch. You can go to somewhere like a GoDaddy, you can buy a URL, right?

Domain name you can go somewhere like I don't know wicks or whatever, you know Build -it -yourself website you can go right and I'm dropping all these plugs, right? But anyway, you can go buy a domain name right for like 99 cent you can go and get a build -it -yourself website have that up and running for a little bit of nothing you can download some pictures throw some text together and

Treveal C.W. Lynch (09:25.878)
you know, start a YouTube channel or, uh, you know, some social media, you know, page and start dropping content today and call yourself a guru, call yourself the next biggest whatever. It's gotten that bad that it's that fast and that easy and that accessible. And I'm not listening to anyone, but my heart goes out to those who are, but the result is still the same.

The more voices that you hear, sometimes the more it drains you. You went in to listen to that preacher. You went in to listen to that teacher. You went in to listen to that guru. You attended that event to be motivated. You went to that weekend retreat to be motivated. You went to that seminar to be motivated. You watched that thing. You listened to that thing. You read that book to be inspired, to be motivated.

continue to grow and develop in your dreams and the more information you get the more it just seems like you've never you've never done enough you're not doing enough and with all of these prerequisites and requirements I'm just never going I'm just never going to ever do enough.

Like that's three strikes you're out, man. You mean all the work I've done, all the effort I've done, all the blood, sweat and tears that I've put in, all of the praying that I've done, all of the seeking God and chasing after the Lord, all of the Bible reading I've done, all of the money that I've invested. You mean all of this work that I've done to get to this thing, to pursue this place. You name it, you frame it, you put it into your context. I'm just telling my story.

You've done all these different things and then you start to continue your education by listening to others. And the more you listen to others, the preaching is, you know, you Christians, you never apply the word. You Christians, you never do blah, blah, blah. And even though you know that it's not necessarily talking to you.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (11:36.13)
Like a little bit of it kind of gets in there and you're like affected by it. Like, wow, man. I did all of this and now what? I got to do 10 more things? You listen to the guru, right? You've taken all these steps. You're excited. You're building some momentum. And then you listen to the next thing to try to, you know, get some more information. And now they're telling you, hey, what you thought you were doing, scrap that. That's not what you are to do. That's not the right way. That ain't.

That ain't gonna get you there. I mean, I was listening to a guy the other day. I will not say his name. I'm not gonna share anything like that. But it was like an entrepreneur seminar and he opened it up for questions, right? And so this guy asked him a question. And when he asked him the question, the first thing that the guru said was, you know, well, I don't know what you're talking about. You know, you gotta ask that a different way.

All right, so the guy figured out, he stumbled and mumbled and he figured out how to ask the question. And then the guru said, oh man, you're in trouble. He said, man, you are in trouble, right? Like what? Like the first thing he said was, bruh, you in trouble. He said, your industry? He said, your industry? That's getting took over by tech. He said, tech is taking your...

taking your business. He says, here's what you need to do. Now this is a budding entrepreneur. This is an aspiring entrepreneur at a seminar that I know he paid top dollar for, because the guy I was listening to ain't no joke. And I know he paid top dollar for it. And he gets there and he gets the microphone. And I know probably what he's feeling like, man, I've got my shot. I'm about to listen. I'm getting expert advice from the.

Guru himself. I'm in the building. I'm in the space as we say, right? I'm in the space. I'm in the room finally. Yes, and I muster up the courage to ask the question and I'm about to get some breakthrough. Yes, and I'm about to move forward and the guru says man, your industry is a wrap that Here's what you need to do. You need to and I'm gonna just summarize it so I can move on to get to the point about rest. I

Treveal C.W. Lynch (13:57.922)
And I know I've been building up this resting for for quite some time, but trust me stick with me stay with me It all it all flows together The guru, you know says man the best thing for you to do is to find like a high -earning entrepreneur and work for him or her Like lend your services to their dream Don't pursue your dream Take what you believe in?

Go find someone. Now, from a business perspective, maybe that was great advice. Maybe that was great advice from a business perspective. Maybe it was. But you know what it wasn't good advice for or from or what perspective that wasn't good advice from? From the heart of that man. From the God -given dream, the God -given hope. It wasn't very considerate.

And maybe it's not the job, but that guru to be considerate. Maybe it's not the job. He don't, he don't have time to be considerate. He don't have time to do that. Well, I'm changing that game just as a side note, as I grow, as I develop, as I establish the work that God has for me, that's what I'm going to do. Like literally that is my work to make space and place for people's dreams to be nurtured in a loving, patient way. And the day that I can't do that is the day I need to not be in business.

because that side of the coin ain't getting enough love. So I believe that's why God chose me. That's just a shameless plug. I don't know why I shared that, but there it is, right? I'm all about this rest thing, man. I'm all about the soul finding its rest. This world just does not let us rest. We have to determine our rest for ourselves. So basically he told homeboy, listen, man, this is what you need to do. I don't know if that guy...

asked another question. I just think he just shut up and just went on about his way. Man, I can just imagine, because the camera wasn't on homeboy, so I can just imagine how he felt. I could just imagine how crushed he was. Like, man, I'm asking you and I didn't pay all this money to get here to ask you how to build my dreams and you telling me go and basically, excuse me, go and give my dreams to somebody else's dreams. And again, from a business perspective, maybe it works.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (16:26.338)
And I don't know what the guy did with the advice. Maybe he's living a great life and he's gone on and done things and whatever. But I was sensitive to it because number one, I'm experiencing it and God's given me a heart for the perfectionist, a heart for those who we never feel like we've done enough. We never feel like we can do enough. We never feel like we will ever do enough.

Right? Like in the past, I haven't done enough. Right now, I'm not doing enough. And I really don't have a whole lot of hope that I'll ever do enough to whatever. You fill in the blank. Please God, feel satisfied, experience fulfillment and true contentment in life. You know, have my family proud of me. Like, I don't know what your blank is, but you fill in your blank. Like it's never enough because the world, the information that we're getting is...

Whenever we're watching these videos, we're listening to these speakers, we're listening to these men of God, women of God preach and teach the word of God, it's like there's always more to do. And maybe there is. Maybe there is more to do. But the way that it's being delivered,

Treveal C.W. Lynch (17:47.394)
And I just felt like maybe somebody out there needed to hear that today because I'm not going to go deep into it. But, you know, I'm recording this on Saturday morning and, you I was doing some research about the Sabbath and about how, again, I don't want to go down that path, but basically, you know, Sunday being the first day of the week, Saturday actually being the Sabbath. Yeah. And how today is supposed to be that day of rest.

how, you know, whether or not we ever take a true Sabbath. Some take it on Sunday, some take it on Saturday, I don't know, you know. Again, it's just so much information out there. I'll have to do some more research about that, but at the end of the day, at the end of the day, is there a Sabbath for us? Do we ever rest? Do we ever give ourselves permission to have done enough, to be doing enough, and to have the hope that we will?

do enough to believe that we are enough, to believe that we are enough for ourselves, for God, for other people, for our spouses, for our children, for our community, for our church, because everywhere we're turning, everywhere we're looking, everywhere our ear is leaning in, all we hear is go back and do more, go back and do more. You've not done enough. You ain't taking it serious. You ain't grinding hard enough. You're not elevating hard enough. You're not doing enough.

more and more and more and more. So let me get to my scripture, man. I just want to encourage you to rest. And how do we do that? I want to encourage you to give yourself permission to have a Sabbath every week, to give yourself permission to rest every week. It may not be a whole day. Maybe it's a half a day. Maybe it's a couple of hours. I don't know what it is and I don't know how it looks for you. I don't even want to give you any criteria.

I just want to encourage you to seek God for yourself and to ask God, how might you rest in a way that, you know, pleases your soul, that satisfies your soul? Because sometimes even when we try to rest, we ain't really resting because we're worrying about whether or not it's okay to rest. Yes, it is that crazy. It is that nutty sometimes. And I believe that this message is for somebody.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (20:17.41)
In Matthew chapter 11, I've always gone to, and I'll go to it again at the end here, verse 28. But I found something interesting, man, because I was taught that when you read a passage, always read a few lines prior. And I found something interesting, man. I found it interesting when Jesus was talking about what can I compare this generation to.

Look at what he says and I'm reading from the the Amplify version here. Let me find my spot.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (20:55.586)
starting at verse 16. It says, but to what shall I liken this generation? It is like little children sitting in the marketplaces who call to their playmates. We piped you, or yeah, we piped to you playing a wedding and you did not dance. We weld dirges playing a funeral and you did not mourn and beat your breasts.

and weep aloud. So basically, we did this and you didn't do this. We did this and you didn't do this. It says, now it goes into, for John came neither eating nor drinking with others. And you said, he's got a demon. Now this is Jesus talking. Now I, the son of man came eating and drinking with others. But you said, behold, he is a glutton, a wine drinker, a friend of tax collectors.

and especially wicked sinners. It then ends by saying, yet wisdom is justified and vindicated and wisdom, wisdom is vindicated by what she does, her deeds and by her children. Wisdom is kind of always spoken of in a feminine tone, right? Because wisdom produces, wisdom reproduces, right? It's a birthing, you know.

place. So if you operate in wisdom, you're operating in a birthing place. You're always bringing forth something because wisdom produces some results. So anyway, but that point is basically we sang songs for a wedding and you didn't do what you're supposed to do. We sang a dirge, which is like a poetic lyric or kind of like a poem. That's for funerals.

for like mourning and you didn't mourn. And then you're like, okay, well John came and he didn't eat or drink nothing. Oh, but he got a demon. And then here I am, Jesus, I come, I'm eating and drinking. Oh, but now I'm hanging out with the tax collectors. So it's like, it's like you can't win.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (23:12.834)
like you can't win.

How do we win? When will enough ever be enough? How do we win with people?

never enough

We don't never do enough right to satisfy nob -

That's the state that we're in, y 'all. We ain't never good enough for nobody. Ain't never doing enough for nobody. Now I'm not saying nobody in the context of absolute. I'm just kind of in my feelings and I'm sharing out of my feelings and I hope and pray that you can feel me as we say, because you might be there too. But obviously, yes, of course I got people in my life. I got people in my life, man, that love me no matter what, that they're there for me no matter what.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (24:02.722)
They hold me down no matter what. Absolutely.

But what we're talking about is in this culture of trying to elevate oneself, especially in the professional space, the competition is so crazy and the fear is so crazy. It is such a crab in the barrel mentality. It's amazing when you can step back and God gives you that panoramic view where you can like.

really see how things are happening. It's crazy, y 'all. It's crazy. But here's how we rest. We don't go to people. We don't go to people. And we don't go to ourselves because we've been so indoctrinated, we've been so inundated with the culture that we can't halfway trust ourselves.

Let's just be honest. We can't hardly trust ourselves. So who do we go to? Here, Matthew 11, eight. Jesus, I'm sorry, Matthew 11, 28. Jesus says, come to me, all who are laboring and who are heavy laden, overburdened, and I, Jesus, will cause you to rest. I, Jesus.

will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I, Jesus, am gentle, meek and humble, lowly in heart and you will find rest, relief and ease and refreshment.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (26:02.082)
and a blessed quiet for your souls. A blessed quiet to be quiet, to be blessed, to be still.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (26:20.098)
on the ins.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (26:25.09)
if you are at a place where you don't feel like you're getting any rest you are just exhausted at the end of your

I want to encourage you to go to Jesus.

to find that space and that place and that time where you can get away from other people, all the noise of this world and get with God.

and allow Jesus.

to do whatever he decides to do. I'm not even putting no stipulations. I don't know. That's between you and him. I'm just saying.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (27:16.098)
As I've faced my challenges, my soul has been regulated. Remember, I'm about regulation, regulating, right? On the inside, regulation for elevation, regulate on the inside so that you can elevate every area of your life. Not that you're doing it, but you in partnership with God. Your part is submission, surrendering, allowance.

the giving of self to God and allowing God to impart something, to share, to give, to do something through you, the vessel. And when we get away from that, when we get out of alignment to that model, then we can be overwhelmed. We can be heavy -laden. We can be overburdened by listening to other folks, by trying to...

model after other folks by trying to do everything that everyone else is saying and the truth is 90 % of it is their opinion. It's what they've done, it's what's worked for them or is what they would do in a given situation.

My mindset coach and personal mentor shared that with me several years ago. That's the definition of an opinion. What they're doing that works for them or what they would do if given the situation that you're currently facing, that's their opinion. I am not here to say that their opinion does not align with God's word or God's will.

I believe that there are moments, there are times when someone's opinion will align with God's will and purpose for your life because in the spirit there's just something happening and it just aligns. But what I am saying that, or what I am saying is that in this professional space there are those that have just stumbled upon something.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (29:30.562)
Or there's some background that they don't share with you. Or there's some behind the scenes things that are happening for them that they're not sharing. But when they hit the stage, when they get out front, when they're online, when they're teaching their course, and for the preachers as well, there's a history behind that, right? That overnight success is usually a 20 -year, 30 -year journey. That's not what's a part of the sermon. What's a part of the sermon is today you need to be doing. And again, hear my heart.

This is not to tear anyone down or to discredit anyone. What it is is simply a moment of awareness and a message of encouragement to guard your heart and to not let people's opinions become your burden and become your prerequisite to God's promises. That's all I'm saying. Don't let their opinion.

Become your prerequisite to God's promises for your life. Go to God. Get God's word on it. Get God's truth on it. And receive your rest. All right? Love you guys. I'm praying for you guys. Believing in you guys. Yeah. Love y 'all so much, man.

Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you so much. If you're watching on YouTube, please leave a comment below. Let me know what you think. Ask any questions that you may have. If you've not subscribed, please become a subscriber today. Hit that button. Hit that bell so that you'll be notified when I drop new content each and every week. If you're listening on one of my podcast platforms, please leave a review. Please leave comments. And if you have any personal questions that you want counsel on,

Anything that you're wrestling with struggling with that you might want prayer on hit me up at I am the possible comm I am the possible comm go ahead and drop me a line Through the website and I would love to connect with you and partner with you in that way Okay until next time guys remember. Let's regulate. Let's elevate and let's stay encouraged