The iamthepossible Podcast
The iamthepossible® podcast is the place where possibilities become perspective! Our mission is to share perspectives on life, that give life, to what's possible in life!
The iamthepossible Podcast
How Men Find Clarity and Confidence
If you are a man and you are not confident about how to move forward in life, I created this video for you!
The focus of this short Facebook live is to show you how a specific way you can start reclaiming your life, overcoming the chaos and confusion we often get wrapped up in so easily and begin living with more clarity and confidence than ever!
- Guarding your heart is essential for a fulfilling life.
- What you allow into your heart shapes your life.
- Refrain from distractions to find clarity.
- Reframing your perspective can change your life.
- Prayer is a powerful tool for personal growth.
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Treveal C.W. Lynch (00:04.226)
Hey, what's going on guys? Good morning, happy Friday to you. Today I want to, today I want to talk about how a man can reclaim his life. And I'll just be on for a few moments this morning, about eight or nine minutes. And so this would be a pretty quick one, man. But I wanted to lay out for the man out there today who just feels like he can't get a grip on life. Life is pretty chaotic.
Life is pretty confusing right now. You maybe don't know which way to go. And you don't have a lot of confidence in just navigating your way through the various issues and situations that you're having in your life. So let's just jump right into this, man. I'm going show you two things. Number one, how to overcome that chaos and that confusion. And then number two, I'm going to show you how to begin creating that clarity and that confidence that you deserve and I know that you desire.
So number one, I want to start off with Proverbs 4 23 Proverbs 4 tells us that we are to protect our hearts and when the when the Bible here talks about the heart, he's talking about the center talking about the inner the inner person the inner man what gets in on the inside, right? Remember life is created from the inside out. Okay, and so that scripture says to guard your heart for out of it flows the very
force of life. In other words, in other translations, it talks about life itself flowing from a man's heart. Everything you do flows from your heart. And so it is our job, it is our duty to be aware of this and to adhere to this if we care about the things we do and if we care about the kind of life that we're creating. If you care about the kind of life and the quality of life that you are,
Experiencing and so with this scripture in mind and Please I'm just going off the dome. So if that scripture is incorrect, I know that it's in Proverbs 4 but if it's truly not 423 I know that it's in Proverbs 4 so forgive me on that but I believe that it is Proverbs 4 23 So with that in mind guard your heart protect your heart be a filter to your heart. In other words God is saying
Treveal C.W. Lynch (02:29.483)
Listen man, your life is going to come out of the center of who you are. It's going to come out of what you see that gets in, what you hear that gets in, and what you say that gets in. If you don't guard those gates, as we call them, then your life is going to be, it's going to be the result of whatever gets in. So if you're not guarding it, if you're not strategic about what you are,
what you're allowing in on a consistent basis, then just anything gets in, therefore just anything gets out. So if you're feeling like life is just showing up any old kind of way, it's usually because we have a consistent diet of just letting any old thing in. So today I wanna give you this three step process. Number one is called reframe. Number two step is to reframe.
And then number three, which is the result, reclaim your life. If you want back control of your life, if you want life to flow the way that you desire it to, then this three step process will certainly lay a firm foundation for you to begin to do that. As always, I'm speaking from experience. I'm speaking from, you know, 23, 24 years of experience in this game.
And so my life is a product. is the result of these things. A strong, healthy prayer life is what I've established. not by my might, not by my strength, man, by the glory, by the grace, mercy, power of God, by the many mentors that I've had in my life. So I'm never going to come off like I got this and that I'm bulletproof. it is, it is by the grace of God, man, that I've been able to experience the quality of life.
that I've been able to experience and to create the kind of life that I've been able to create in partnership with God. So I just want you to know that this word is a word of integrity, a word that flows from my life's experience. This is not theory. This is not hearsay. This is not, I just read a book and I'm just hoping that it works because I'm just regurgitating with someone else said, I am speaking to you as a man from 24 years.
Treveal C.W. Lynch (04:49.311)
experience. So here's the steps again. Refrain. What does that mean? To refrain means, and the best way I can put it y'all is we live in a world where we get up in the morning and there is no shortage of distractions, chaos and confusion. The phone is already buzzing. You got notifications popping off. You got emails coming in. You got text messages flowing through.
It is so easy to wake up in the morning and dive right into a world. This is that is that is misinformed and Just what let's just stay with that misinformed the world the world doesn't know you like that Right. Your life is your life. God created you for a purpose God created you with a plan God created you for a season and you are in this world on purpose for purpose by purpose with purpose
But the world doesn't know that. The world is misinformed about you. And so what we do is we can easily wake up and just dive right into the world. We can dive right into everything that's going on on the internet, everything that's going on in social media. And we can just become bombarded. We can become overwhelmed. We can become just inundated with the other information, anything other than what's true about us.
Okay. And I won't go far into that because like I said, I only got a few minutes this morning, but the idea is I want you to refrain, man, refrain from waking up and automatically grabbing your phone, automatically cutting the television on automatically engaging with other people. As I've always said, man, get to God before the world gets to you. Why have I always said that? Because if you get to God, you're getting to quality information.
You're letting God's information, your creator, your source of life, you're letting God inform you correctly before the world attempts to misinform you. God's gonna show you who you are. God's gonna show you why you are. God's gonna show you what you are. Those are some pretty important things for you to establish on a daily basis before you go out into this world and this culture and society.
Treveal C.W. Lynch (07:09.441)
that wants to push its agenda on you. It wants to obligate you. It wants to give you its responsibilities. It wants to give you that pressure and that stress and that burden that you are feeling right now. You're going through that. You're stressed out. You feel like you're under pressure. Every which way you turn, there's something else happening that you don't agree with. The world is not going to slow down. It's going to be what it is.
It's going to be what it is. Our culture is going to be what it is. The Internet is going to be what it is. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, X, whatever it it's going to be what it is. It's not going anywhere. It's our decision, gentlemen. It's our choice. It's our God given gift of choice to wake up and decide to refrain from diving head first into all of that clutter, all of that confusion and chaos.
which creates in you an inconsistent life, an inconsistent faith, an inconsistent confidence. So reframe. Now, second step, reframe. We all live through a framework, okay? Just like a frame, like a picture. You put a picture into a frame. Our lives, we're living through our current framework. Our life, we see it as a certain perception and perspective, and we're living through that.
Right life is happening on the inside and we're living through that That's why god says protect your heart because you're living out of that. You're acting you're behaving You're taking action out of what you've allowed in right input equals output I'll say that again input here here equals output What you're doing most consistently reflects what you are receiving taking in? consuming
Most consistently so if you want to change what you do which creates that domino effect one thing that you do creates another thing that creates another thing that creates another thing It's a domino effect. It's cause and effect. I know I'm speaking really really fast go back play it again rewind pause it take notes But I only got a few minutes this morning. So guys, please understand that if you get to God you can reframe Your life you can reframe what you think about you. You can reframe
Treveal C.W. Lynch (09:30.317)
What you think about God because some of us just got a poor perspective of God we can reframe what we think about other people we can reframe What we think about circumstances and situations That now builds us up edifies us prepares us To now see life in a way that is more congruent that is more conducive to the kind of life that we want to create That's why I said this is how a man reclaims his life
Because now you're giving yourself an opportunity and you deserve this opportunity to get with God in a space and a place where you can settle down, you can cut and push out the noise, you can cut the noise down. You feel me? This world is so loud. It's so forceful. You feel me? It's so relentless. It's waiting for you every morning.
And we have to make a decision if we want a better life. If you don't want a better life, cut me off, keep scrolling, whatever. But if you want a better life and hear me, man, I'm speaking out of integrity. I'm speaking out of out of my own experience. I know what it means to be on the other side. I know what that's like. I know what that means to be to be to be hopeless, to be lost, to be frustrated with life, to feel like I want to commit suicide, like I'm like I just want to give up.
Like I'm worthless, like life ain't worth living. I'm not worth anything. I know what that's like. That's why I gotta share this information because I know that I'm not the only one. And I know that there are so many more of you that are still experiencing those same feelings and those same emotions. And I want to help you all, man. So when you get with God, when you pray, when you pray, then through that time with God, your creator, you're able to reframe those things. And then that leads to the third piece. You start
to reclaim your life. You start to get your life back because now you're more strategic. Now you're standing guard at your heart saying, I'm not, I'm not going to just let anything in. As you start to see the value in your life, you're going to start protecting it. Right? We protect what we value. Many of us, we're not protecting our hearts. We're not protecting our lives because we really don't value our hearts. We really don't value our lives. Why? Because we haven't given ourselves an opportunity to reframe anything. So guys, I know
Treveal C.W. Lynch (11:46.497)
This is a lot. I've said a lot. My time is up. I I gotta go so that I can stay of integrity right now. I see what time it is. I gotta shut it down. I just wanted to share those things with you guys. Listen, if you are a man and you don't know how to pray, you are you you're kind of shaky on your prayer life. You don't know how to pray. You're like, yo, Travail, that sounds good. I want to start to pray, but I don't know how to pray. I'm not confident in my prayer life. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to do it, bro.
DM me, please DM me. I am starting a new Facebook group and I'm gonna be mentoring, I'm gonna be sharing, I'm gonna be instructing on everything that I share through these lives. I'm gonna be breaking it down in that men's mentor group. So we're gonna be chopping it up. We're gonna be diving into this information more in depth, pulling it apart so that every man can understand it. So please be on the lookout for that as well. But if you don't.
Know how to pray and you want to get started immediately man. Just DM me man DM me directly. I'll hit you back I'll share some resources with you man, and we can go from there. I got to shut it down. I love y'all I'm praying for y'all. I'm believing in y'all man until next time. Please remember genius is your design greatness is your destiny Please remember God loves you man. I love you Please continue to be encouraged and above all else continue to be what is
Possible and let's start reclaiming our lives. Alright till next time man. Much love. Peace