The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

Finding simplicity & delight in life & business with Jenny Mahan

Jo Casey

We're told to be authentic in our businesses - but it's often easier said than done. Jenny Mahan is someone who does this wonderfully. In this week's episode, she shares her business journey and how she has managed to beautifully blend so many elements of her life and work into a truly holistic business. 

Jenny is a musician, nurse, health coach, soap maker, homesteader, and all round wise woman and she is very driven by a need to make real change through her word. To her, a meaningful business is nourishing for ourselves, our clients and the world around us. She bases her philosophy on permaculture principles - earth care, people care, fair share.

If you're struggling to choose a niche or combine multiple interests into one business, you'll love this episode.

About Jenny
Jenny Mahan is a Registered Nurse, Certified Health and Wellness coach, and owner of Pine Creek Wellness. She supports folks who have had a health wake up call reclaim their health with holistic Lifestyle Medicine. Jenny offers online and in person Skillpower Culinary Medicine classes, and group and one to one coaching to support folks to feel better so they can do what matters most to them.

She lives in far northern Wisconsin near the shores of Lake Superior with her husband
and son on a tiny spring-fed, Northwoods-shaded tributary of Pine Creek where they
garden, raise chickens, make maple syrup, and are building their own small, passive
solar, energy efficient home.

She is an author, singer/songwriter, soap maker, and reluctant runner and is passionate
about promoting local sustainable agriculture and food justice. When she’s not working
you can find her curled up with a book in the hammock, unless it’s snowing (which it is 7
or 8 months out of the year on Pine Creek), in which case she’s likely sitting by the fire

Jenny's Links:
5 free, easy, healthful one pot recipes
Or read more about sane nutrition:  and Plant power

Jenny's Website