The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

Out Of Alignment Or Deep in Fear?

Jo Casey
Every month I co-host a podcast episode with Business Mindset Coach, Holly Worton. And today's episode was inspired by a post that someone made in my Holly's  Facebook group: “Hey Holly, I’ve been thinking about something just lately, and wondered if anyone has some thoughts about this? When you’re not making the progress you want in your business, how do you know if: You’re reluctant to move out of your comfort zone and step up (in which case, it may be worth pursuing, gently); or 2. What you want to do (or think you should do) is out of alignment with your values (in which case it should probably be abandoned)? Both these situations can feel like fear, reluctance, or lead to procrastination. How do you tell the difference if it feels ‘off’ but you’re not quite sure why? This is something I’d love to hear you and Jo discuss on the podcast!” Today, using Holly herself as an example, we talk about the difference between misalignment and fear. Some people can “solve” this dilemma using logic, but those of us who are more intuitive can really struggle with being in this type of situation. The differences are very subtle, and it's worth digging deeper into this topic to get clarity on what's exactly going on so we can know exactly what to do.