The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

Courage is a habit with Kate Swoboda aka Kate Courageous

Jo Casey
I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of feeling fear. Like many of us, I'll go to great lengths to avoid or run away from anything that's too scary. While this works fine with horror movies and roller coasters (I've spent a lifetime blissfully avoiding pretty much every one of those suckers) it's not such a great strategy when it comes to living a life. Becuase if we want to experience joy, do something new, or just leave the house some days, we're going to have to deal with fear. In fact, everyone's got some place in their lives where they feel doubt, fear, or lack confidence. At the root of those stuck spaces are old, fear-based habits. Kate Swoboda has made it her passion to help others develop THE COURAGE HABIT and in this episode, we discuss her unique approach to working with fear, courage and all the places that scare us, and how she developed a process of identifying what you're done with, clarifying what your most courageous self (truly) wants, and aligning your life through practicing courageous habits that will create your courageous life.