The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

"What will they think of me?" And other fears that are holding you back in your business

July 11, 2018 Jo Casey
in this week's episode of The Meaningful Business Podcast, Holly Worton and I discuss one of the biggest fears we've experienced, something that we also see in clients on a regular basis: What will people think? Will they like me? This is something that I've personally struggled a lot with, and it's something that really held me back in the past. It speaks right to the heart of Feminine Conditioning - we know that as women we're judged and there are SO MANY ways we can be found wanting (in fact, it is literally impossible to be 100% acceptable as a woman - actually as a human, and yet we keep on trying because that's what we're conditioned to do.) * Why this happens and why we have these fears * How this shows up in business and how it holds us back * Why this is a problem and why we need to work on it * How perfectionism comes into play and why we need to get used to taking imperfect action * How this is related to resilience and how we can strengthen our resilience muscle * Why we need to step outside our comfort zone in all areas of our life, not just business * What you can do to change this and release these fears so you can take action more easily * Practical baby steps you can take to get used to speaking out and taking action