The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

How To Stand Out As A Coach or Heart Centred Business

Jo Casey

I'm Back! The MBA podcast returns and I've got some treats in store for this season. 

To kick us off, I'm talking today about just how we can stand out as business owners - even when we're told the marketplace is saturated. 

Because the secret is that it's both simpler and more challenging that you've been led to believe - BUT the good news is you don't need any special tools, fancy branding or a new photoshoot or revamped website to do it.

In fact, just like Glenda, the good witch tells Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz, 

"You've always had the power, my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself."


Links Mentioned In This Episode

Tracie Nichols, holistic life and business coaching for body-centred practitioners and highly sensitive women

Sharon Zink, Feminist Writing Coach for women with big things to say 

Jen Pavich, Feminist Life Coach and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator-