The Unshiny Podcast with Jo Casey

No Pain, No Gain? With Holly Worton

March 11, 2019 Jo Casey

Holly Worton is on the show again today and we're talking about the philosophy of “no pain, no gain” and how it applies to healing and personal development.
Is it necessary? Is it an important part of healing? Are there times when we need to step aside from the more gentle types of healing and therapy and turn to something a bit more intense? Is this kind of healing right for everyone? And how do you know if it's right for you? In this episode, we explore the world of more intense therapies, based on some recent personal experience.

In this fascinating episode, Holly shares her recent experience of taking part in a Kambo ceremony - which was, erm... intense but something that she feels was not only worth it, but something she'd like to try again.

Even though we stress this in the show, Kambo is something that we do not recommend you do without proper, trained and supportive guidance. 

What You’ll Learn

  • How does the “no pain, no gain” philosophy apply to healing and personal development?
  • Why we sometimes need to look at the dark stuff – but not wallow in it
  • How these types of therapies can help us to expand our comfort zone
  • Why it's so important to feel safe and supported when working with the more intense therapies
  • Is there real value in these intense healing experiences?

Other Resources