The Higher Gear CXO

Series 2, Episode 1 - Being Intentional with your culture

Kelly Kierans

Key Theme:

  • Being Intentional

Leadership Thoughts:

  • Build a culture to lead with honor and engage with character
  • The role of the CIO has evolved and has more responsibility to drive culture
  • Everyone has influence


  • Use your influence as a CIO to influence culture
  • Culture will help you set boundaries
  • Clarity is the #1 step
  • Win with honor

How do I reflect on myself as a leader?

  • Am I using my influence to drive culture?
  • Do I have ownership of my territory to set the standards and the pace?
  • Am I positive or negative?
  • Is my attitude contagious?
  • Do I have courage, character and commitment to step up and set the example and hold people accountable?