The Higher Gear CXO

The Future of work part 3 concluding the conversation

January 04, 2022 Kelly Kierans Season 3 Episode 3

Key Theme:  The Future of Work
Leadership Thoughts:
·   Tools to identify and reveal logic in the code

·   You can’t always throw the old out and get something new

·   Indirect integration

·   When will it change that we will worry that there is a driver in our car as opposed to it being self-driving?

·   What confidence do you have in this system that is replacing the old system

·   Changing the architecture of evolution

·   Interplanetary internet

·   So many doors are opening up

·   You don’t want to have to pull retired employees to find hidden things

·   The new old is sometimes your best profitable benefit

·   When do we start letting go of decision rights and authority and trusting?

·   At what point are we moving rights and authorities to systems we trust?

·   Emergent systems are growing in distributed fashion

·   I can’t make everything super smart, but I can make something nearby super smart

·   How do you deal with planet rotation 

How Do I Reflect on Myself as a Leader?
·   Do we have good documentation?

·   Am I upgrading and moving our systems into the future? 

·   Am I evolving elements as they are replaced?

·   Am I letting go?

·   Am I moving decision making to the edge?

·   Do we have highly distributed systems that we are able to build trust in the processes of the network itself?

·   Am I skating to where the puck is going to be in the future?

·   Am I at my age?  Do I have insight of the old and also retaining the youthful challenge of a 2-year-old and ask why?