PhD Talk

Preparing for your first conference - Ep. 68

Episode 68

As Sarah is preparing to attend and present at her first conference, she asks Eva for advice on how to prepare for the conference. We discuss what we can set as goals for presenting research at a conference, as well as what makes an excellent conference presentation. Eva recommends to spend sufficient time on the introduction and to think about the "take home" message.

We then look at how Eva prepares for a conference, both in terms of the practical aspects as in terms of preparing the presentation. Eva also gives her advice for PhD students preparing to attend their first conference.

Then, we look at the difference between big conferences with a broad topic and small conferences with a more focused group of attendees. Finally, we look at how many conferences Eva was attending before COVID, and how her conference attendance has changed as she became a mother as well as how the CO2 footprint of flying has changed her attitudes towards conference attendance.