PhD Talk

Interview with Dr. Chrysan Mohammed - Ep. 73

Episode 73

In today's episode, we interview Dr. Chrysan Mohammed. Chrysan is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Medical Affairs and Scientific Evidence at Johnson and Johnson Vision Care in Jacksonville Fl. She obtained her PhD in Molecular Medicine from The University of Toledo, College of Medicine and Life Sciences.

We learn about Chrysan's career path before the PhD, how she applied and got into a PhD program, her experience during the PhD as well as what the PhD program is like at The University of Toledo, and how she then landed her post-doctoral fellowship in exactly her field of interest. She also gives us insights into doing a lab-based PhD, and how she found the lab she wanted to work in. Finally, we look at how the skills she learned during her PhD are essential to her current work.

At the end, we round off with the questions we ask all our interviewees: on the impact of COVID-19 on Chrysan's research and personal life, her best advice for PhD students, how she sets boundaries to work, and what a day in the life looked like for her during the PhD.
