PhD Talk

Responding to reviewer comments - Ep. 42

September 15, 2021 Eva Lantsoght Episode 42

In today's episode, we discuss Rico's experience in replying to the comments of the reviewers on his first journal article.

We discuss the timeline between submission and receiving the comments, as well as what one can expect from various journals here. We also discuss the time it takes to implement reviewer comments and write the rebuttal, as well as the process Rico and his colleagues followed. Their approach (and what Eva uses) is based on working through the comments sequentially, but other authors may prefer to work by topic.

Rico's paper got comments from five reviewers, and we discuss how common it is to receive comments from this many reviewers. We also delve into the way a rebuttal can be formatted - the Excel template Rico used, as well as the Word file with different styles of formatting that Eva uses.

We round of this episode with Rico's lessons learned and best practices.
