PhD Talk

Reading the literature - Ep. 14

Eva Lantsoght Episode 14

In today's episode, we look at how we read research articles for the literature review of your PhD thesis as well as in the later career stages.  Listen to today's episode to learn more about how to read broadly and deeply, how often to read, how to take notes of what you read, and how to digitize the articles you read and your associated notes.

Software we mentioned:
Reference management tools:

Note-keeping tools:

Check out this resource on how to find the citation to export into your reference management tool (Endnote specific, but you can find similar tutorials for the software of your choice)

Books we talked about:
Under the volcano by Malcolm Lowry
Kani on shear in reinforced concrete

Websites we mentioned:

Episode we referenced:
Ep. 10 - Interview with Michelle Crowther