Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Mind & Body Empowerment: Guard Your Orifices to Start LivingLucky®

December 15, 2023 Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 5 Episode 72
Mind & Body Empowerment: Guard Your Orifices to Start LivingLucky®
Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
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Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana
Mind & Body Empowerment: Guard Your Orifices to Start LivingLucky®
Dec 15, 2023 Season 5 Episode 72
Jana and Jason Shelfer

Let's unearth the secrets to transforming negative loops into positive life scripts. Dive deep into setting boundaries, embracing values, and fostering emotional resilience while charting the path to happiness and self-empowerment. Discover your unique journey to luck-filled living! 🌈✨

🔍 Exploration of Mind & Body Mastery: Join hosts Jana Shelfer and Jason Shelfer in this immersive episode of "Living Lucky® with Jason and Jana Banana," where they unravel the intricate connections between mind, body, and emotional well-being.

🌱 Transforming Negative Loops into Positive Life: Dive deep into the art of transforming negative thought patterns into powerful positive loops, discovering how these shifts lay the foundation for creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.

🛡️ The Power of Boundaries & Values: Delve into the transformative potential of setting boundaries and embracing personal values as guiding stars. Discover how these practices serve as the linchpin in navigating life's decisions and fostering emotional resilience.

🧠 Intentionality in Emotional Wellness: Emphasizing the significance of safeguarding emotional well-being, Jana and Jason explore the concept of intentionality and its pivotal role in nurturing emotional health with the same fervor as physical fitness.

🌈 Path to Happiness through Self-Awareness: Traverse the pathway to happiness, intricately woven with self-awareness, positivity, and personal empowerment. Learn to filter out negative influences while embracing experiences and energies that cultivate joy and positivity.

💡 Living Lucky® Podcast: Your Guide to Self-Discovery: Discover how the Living Lucky® Podcast is a beacon guiding you towards your unique definition of success, happiness, and a life steeped in purpose.

🌟 Choosing Happiness & Self-Empowerment: This episode isn't just about discovering inner power; it's a realization that choosing happiness is within your control. Embark on this journey of discovery, empowerment, and living a life graced by luck at every turn.

🎙️ Episode Speakers: Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer

📧 Connect with Us: For personalized guidance on your journey to a luck-filled life, reach out to us HERE. Let's walk this path together!

#LivingLuckyPodcast #MindBodyMastery #PositiveMindset #EmotionalWellness #SelfEmpowerment #HappinessJourney #PodcastInsights #SelfDiscovery #LivingLucky #LivingLucky #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer
Mind Mastery, Emotional Resilience, Luck Transformation, Mindful Living, Emotional Well-being, Mind & Body Mastery, Positive Scripting, Luck Unveiled

Thanks for joining us.

*** The Living Lucky Community is experiencing what it feels like to create a life of inspiration where dreams come true. Check it out HERE *** or at

!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Let's unearth the secrets to transforming negative loops into positive life scripts. Dive deep into setting boundaries, embracing values, and fostering emotional resilience while charting the path to happiness and self-empowerment. Discover your unique journey to luck-filled living! 🌈✨

🔍 Exploration of Mind & Body Mastery: Join hosts Jana Shelfer and Jason Shelfer in this immersive episode of "Living Lucky® with Jason and Jana Banana," where they unravel the intricate connections between mind, body, and emotional well-being.

🌱 Transforming Negative Loops into Positive Life: Dive deep into the art of transforming negative thought patterns into powerful positive loops, discovering how these shifts lay the foundation for creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.

🛡️ The Power of Boundaries & Values: Delve into the transformative potential of setting boundaries and embracing personal values as guiding stars. Discover how these practices serve as the linchpin in navigating life's decisions and fostering emotional resilience.

🧠 Intentionality in Emotional Wellness: Emphasizing the significance of safeguarding emotional well-being, Jana and Jason explore the concept of intentionality and its pivotal role in nurturing emotional health with the same fervor as physical fitness.

🌈 Path to Happiness through Self-Awareness: Traverse the pathway to happiness, intricately woven with self-awareness, positivity, and personal empowerment. Learn to filter out negative influences while embracing experiences and energies that cultivate joy and positivity.

💡 Living Lucky® Podcast: Your Guide to Self-Discovery: Discover how the Living Lucky® Podcast is a beacon guiding you towards your unique definition of success, happiness, and a life steeped in purpose.

🌟 Choosing Happiness & Self-Empowerment: This episode isn't just about discovering inner power; it's a realization that choosing happiness is within your control. Embark on this journey of discovery, empowerment, and living a life graced by luck at every turn.

🎙️ Episode Speakers: Jana Shelfer, Jason Shelfer

📧 Connect with Us: For personalized guidance on your journey to a luck-filled life, reach out to us HERE. Let's walk this path together!

#LivingLuckyPodcast #MindBodyMastery #PositiveMindset #EmotionalWellness #SelfEmpowerment #HappinessJourney #PodcastInsights #SelfDiscovery #LivingLucky #LivingLucky #JanaShelfer #JasonShelfer
Mind Mastery, Emotional Resilience, Luck Transformation, Mindful Living, Emotional Well-being, Mind & Body Mastery, Positive Scripting, Luck Unveiled

Thanks for joining us.

*** The Living Lucky Community is experiencing what it feels like to create a life of inspiration where dreams come true. Check it out HERE *** or at

!!! SEND US A MESSAGE: Are you ready to unlock your path to a more inspired life where you're Living Lucky®? Email me directly and let's chart your course toward realizing your dreams and creating a life that fills you with daily inspiration.
Email Jason Shelfer

The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Speaker 1:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start living lucky. Good morning, I'm Janna, I'm Jason and we are living lucky.

Speaker 2:

Jim Rohn says Stand guard at the door of your mind, that's good. Stand guard at the door of your gut. Stand guard at the door of your friend circle. Stand guard at the door of your heart. Stand guard at the door of your every orifice Right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

At your energy circle, at your everything. I think Stand guard. Sometimes I mean there's a fine line because you want to be open to everything new possibilities, new opportunities.

Speaker 3:

Giving people a chance, giving experiences a chance, giving us. Second, chance.

Speaker 2:

However, there is a point where we are responsible for what we let into our sphere.

Speaker 3:

I just got goosebumps Really. Yeah, because it is so powerful. And part of that is like setting your values, like knowing what your values are, and then just having those boundaries around, because sometimes you don't know who's coming to visit, sometimes you don't know, like, what the experience is going to have available for you. But if you know what your values are right up front and you have that at the front of your mind constantly, then you know where the stop point is.

Speaker 2:

You know, I remember I think it was my grandmother used to say if you hang out with dogs, you're going to get pleased.

Speaker 1:

You gotta get pleased.

Speaker 2:

That's right. No feds Tater, but there is truth to that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, I know that that's just a silly little analogy. There's a reason it came out with that, though right but it is, and I sometimes think okay, the reason we're talking about this is yesterday, jason and I were sitting in a class together and it's all about the gut I think we've mentioned on here. We're taking this biome. It's kind of a project really.

Speaker 3:

It's full body intelligence.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and Jason and I are some of the guinea pigs that are starting this new. It's really we're kind of the explorers in this area. Anyway, we are doing all sorts of scientific research on our gut and in that we are learning about our saliva, our blood, our gut, our biomes, all sorts of science, things that we don't, we can't really explain right now.

Speaker 3:

All the microbes we're only in day three, all the microbes that live inside us and those ecosystems that really activate and get our genes expressing themselves in certain ways towards our health or away from our health.

Speaker 2:

But the scientist yesterday was trying to put it in layman's terms for us and he said you know, your gut is like a community and when everyone is acting harmonious, everything is peaceful and lovely Working together, collaborative.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, our bodies are actually built. We have this miracle system. It is so incredible that it heals itself, it repairs itself, it grows.

Speaker 2:

but we do things to it and we allow things into it, and then we also just add things like antibiotics and other things, sugar, that they're wrecking, we start putting things into our biome or our little community, and we bring things into it that aren't really supposed to be there, and then the more we put into it, then the more our body craves that, because it creates like this little sub-community. It's almost like a little sub-culture inside of our culture.

Speaker 3:

And that's just the things that we put into our body, not like chronic stress that we allow to just build up, build up, build up, and we never give ourselves that space and that peace of mind to just get mindful and realize that, okay, I'm okay in this moment. There's no lion chasing me or no tiger chasing me. Just allow yourself to be free of that for a minute.

Speaker 2:

And then what happens is we get one bad, one bad bacteria that gets in there, and then that starts. We get one bad actor, and then that starts, and then that apple ruins a bunch, and then that's just the things that we do. We're still trading into all of the rest.

Speaker 2:

Instead of allowing the other apples to get rid of that, and you know, again I go back to my childhood and I remember, you know, my parents were both teachers and my mom would come home and she would say you know that fourth hour music class, it would be such a good class, except for, and then she would have that one kid that would cause such havoc, and as soon as that kid would start acting up, then it would become contagious and so on, so would start getting the itchies and the.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying Like. So that's what happens inside our gut, and not only our gut, but, like Jason said, let's just put it in a bigger scale it happens in our emotions. So, you know, we have all of these, these feelings and these emotions, and all of a sudden, anxiety starts to rear its head you know what I'm saying. And so we start to feed it a little bit, like oh, I'm starting to feel a little nervous, starting to feel a little worried. And now, next thing, you know, we're, we're anxious, oh, it just keeps building and building and now we're hyperventilating.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I can't breathe, I'm panicking, I'm actually panicking. And then that feeds into oh gosh, I, I'm isolating myself. I can't, I can't be around people. Oh my God.

Speaker 3:

And it bleeds into everything. It's so funny because it makes me think that some, like some people, protect the floors of their homes more than they protect anything else in their lives. Like like, take off your shoes before you come in. Oh, I know, but then you've ever been around people like that, so don't don't track your dirty feet in, even if you have clean shoes. No offense if you're that person. But then we allow people to just track their filth through our minds, through their Facebook post, through their their talk at the water cooler, through their talk at happy hour, through the things we watch on television, through the things that we put in through our guts, by what we put in our body. So we don't allow people to, to, to, to. We make them take their shoes off and they come in their in our house, but we don't protect our temple, our body you know, and that is such a great point, and sometimes it happens unintentionally.

Speaker 2:

For example, last night, before we went to bed, jason said oh my gosh, jana, I came across this acapella group and they were so phenomenal you would love them. I have to show you the video, because they just blew me away and I know that they are just going to resonate with your soul. So he pulls up this video of this acapella group and, of course, they're playing one of my all time favorite songs, which is creep and by radiohead and I played this song over and over and over during my depression, during a very, very dark time.

Speaker 3:

And they did such a beautiful job with the song. It didn't register with me that the words were toxic.

Speaker 2:

Now, here's the thing that song. I finally came to the conclusion. That song was feeding my sadness and it was feeding my this is neuro linguistic programming in the words.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and it took me a while to become aware of what I was doing, but during my my like, I went through a blue. I caught my blue period now, because every artist has a blue period and during that time I was the actions that I was taking was actually feeding this despair inside me. There was something in inside me that wanted to come out, and you look at some of the things that I was doing at that time, and one was listening to I'm not a perfect person, you know like the words and the songs that I was listening to were very macabre.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's very so. You get that feeling of depression and anxiety and then you start feeding it. And then you find the things in the world that will feed that and just and grow it. You don't, you don't realize you're feeding it and growing it. But it's like, how do I amplify this feeling?

Speaker 2:

And so we reap what we sow. And the reason I'm bringing this up is because last night, jason plays this song for me, and I also, sugar Child. Yes, the acapella group was so beautiful and the song was so gorgeous. However, I immediately stopped him and said you can't play that song for me. The words in that song get into my subconscious and we're right before bed time and now I'm going to dream about creep and I'm an idiot and I don't belong here.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the words in that song are very, very.

Speaker 2:

They're very self doubting and self deprecating.

Speaker 3:

But the thing is so. They make these songs so that we don't feel alone when we're feeling like this. Yes, so there's this point of I don't want to feel vulnerable and I want to express myself, which makes people gravitate to it, but then we're feeding it by by just replaying it over and over again, and that's how the tracks get laid in our mind.

Speaker 2:

And it's the same with it. And here's the thing when you're, when you're finally aware of that, then you realize, wait a minute, if I can cause that downward spiral, I can also do the opposite. And so then you start thinking of okay, well, what are songs that bring me up here? And for me it's the Beach Boys. I'm feeling a good vibration. Zana na na na.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Good vibration. Yes, and you know I have actually done research about Brian Williams and he I mean he. He suffered from depression and he's talked about the words and the, the frequency that he was on at that time. He feels like he was tuning into something that was higher.

Speaker 3:

Lifting him up.

Speaker 2:

It was lifting him up and he and when he started singing at that higher vibration, he started bringing in people who were more talented, people who were had more energy. He started more attracting all of the higher, all of these higher I can't even say it opportunities, higher talented people, yes, and so what I'm saying is we have to. We have, we have more control than what we know, than what we realize, and so we need to become aware of what we're creating. We are creating our reality. So, if there's something about your life that you don't like, become aware, become aware, stop, be silent and realize. What is it that I am doing, thinking, feeling or acting that is creating this? Who am I allowing into my sphere? What energies am I bringing in? Because I am attracting everything around me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so do you feel like you're moving into a healthier place in life? Do you feel like you're moving into a more abundant place in life? Do you feel like your relationships are getting better and richer? Do you feel like things like your energy is going up? How do you want to feel in life and are you laying, are you playing the words and the soundtracks that that leads you towards that or away from it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is so good. I hope this, I hope this had the light bulb moments for anyone that's listening, as it has for me, because just having this little conversation with you, Jason, has really just lit my soul.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so because we have to filter out what's taking us down that darker path and start focusing on what's can take us towards that brighter path, and we know what takes us towards that brighter path once we have that awareness.

Speaker 2:

It's becoming aware, realizing what's causing it and realizing, hey, I have more power than what I realized, and if I have, if I have created the downward doom, I can also create the upward success.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and if I'm allowing people in my life that put that, that lead me into that downward gloom, I can allow people in my life that that lead me towards the light and happiness.

Speaker 2:

And the light and happiness starts with the Living Lucky Podcast. That's right.

Speaker 1:

Ah, have a great day, thanks for joining us. Bye, bye. If the idea of Living Lucky appeals to you, visit us at startlivingluckycom.

Protecting Your Mind and Body
Finding the Path to Happiness