The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)

Not a Fair Fight—Individual instruction squares off against classroom learning. (WATEC #012)

Wes Carroll & Ted Dorsey Season 1 Episode 12

Wes and Ted debate individual vs group instruction. Why is individual instruction so much better? The person you're teaching is always more complicated than the subject you're discussing.​ |

00:37 Casual introduction of Wes and Ted and what has been going on lately
06:15 How can I tell if Ted's class would be the best option for me?
09:00 Chaos's role in creativity
10:20 Choosing your own methods of organization and learning styles
19:50 WC: A teacher's ability to go wherever the student wants is limited only by the teacher's ability to follow
20:45 Personal responsibility of the student and the ways in which either encouraged or discouraged at the systemic level
22:40 Embodied cognition vs. our reinforced cultural model that all thinking happens in the brain
30:44 WC: Individual variation means maybe I use it as my go-to and maybe someone else uses it like once in a blue moon - it exists but used in different frequencies
32:05 WC: When the stars align, we learn like sponges.
33:35 Advantages of being the only learner in the room
34:26 TD: Is an effective teacher essentially the same as an effective pastor/faith leader?
38:45 Ineffective teachers
47:07 A teacher's role: building the systems and the incentives that lead to good student outcomes
51:10 The extreme value of feedback, especially negative
55:20 "Narrate your thought process."
56:50 Metathinking - awareness of one's own thinking
58:25 Jeremy Wolfe (and the McCullough effect)
1:02:51 Why did that lecture matter?