Design Speaks

The Science Behind Analog Tools in Design

September 07, 2023 Brandi Sea Heft-Kniffin Season 5 Episode 189
The Science Behind Analog Tools in Design
Design Speaks
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Design Speaks
The Science Behind Analog Tools in Design
Sep 07, 2023 Season 5 Episode 189
Brandi Sea Heft-Kniffin

Join me on a journey into the fascinating world of design, creativity and science! In this episode we'll explore the science behind the timeless instruments that power creativity – analog tools. Whether you're a graphic designer seeking to enhance your craft, an artist looking to unlock your full potential, or simply someone fascinated by the intersection of science and creativity, this podcast is your guide. Dive deep into the neurological benefits of analog tools, discover how they sharpen focus, boost brainpower, and evoke emotions. Unleash your inner creative genius as we reveal the secrets of the analog world. Subscribe now for a dose of inspiration and insight that will transform the way you think about creativity.

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Show Notes Transcript

Join me on a journey into the fascinating world of design, creativity and science! In this episode we'll explore the science behind the timeless instruments that power creativity – analog tools. Whether you're a graphic designer seeking to enhance your craft, an artist looking to unlock your full potential, or simply someone fascinated by the intersection of science and creativity, this podcast is your guide. Dive deep into the neurological benefits of analog tools, discover how they sharpen focus, boost brainpower, and evoke emotions. Unleash your inner creative genius as we reveal the secrets of the analog world. Subscribe now for a dose of inspiration and insight that will transform the way you think about creativity.

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00:00:00:07 - 00:00:35:13
What if I told you that the best tool for your creative brain is this? Yes. This unassuming little piece of wood. Welcome back to another episode of Design Speaks podcast. I'm BrandiSea, your quirky creative director, and I'm here to help you find your inspiration in the process. Today, I want to talk about the amazing benefits and influence analog tools can have on your creative design brain for someone to share six reasons that these analog tools can benefit you.

00:00:35:13 - 00:01:03:10
And at the end of the video, I'll share some of my own favorite analog tools that I use and my own design process every single reason. Number one. Let's start by talking about the science of neural connections. Okay. So you're probably thinking Brandy in this design podcast. Yes. But since design actually falls into this middle of the Venn diagram between art and science, this is a perfect place to start.

00:01:04:00 - 00:01:33:18
This trusty ally, just like myself, this trusty pencil and paper, are not things of the past, but are actually brain boosting connectors. Research has shown that analog tools like a pen and paper grow our neural connections building, understanding, cognition and memory retention. So when we can amplify these unique connections in our brain makes, it's going to give your creative concepts a really solid, exciting foundation based in logic and creativity.

00:01:33:18 - 00:01:58:08
You're going to be shocked at not only the sheer number of ideas you come up with, but the absurd amount of unique and interesting ideas that will come out of simply editing using the humble pencil and paper. Reason number two Tactile Mastery. I feel this one is super important. Get it? Feel and feel for the tactile experience of using analog tools.

00:01:58:08 - 00:02:28:17
Actually sparks hightened sensory input into our brains. But digital platforms just cannot replicate the texture of a pencil, the sound scratching on paper as you write. Studies hint that this interaction might actually be a secret ingredient to sparking some of those really unique creative connections from reason number one that we already talked about. It's almost like each mark that you make on paper is an invitation for novel new ideas to come over and hang out.

00:02:28:18 - 00:02:53:13
Okay. Reason number three Focus sharpening. Now, I know we are all so tired of battling our digital distractions while we work. You are not alone. I've been there from new social follower notifications, family group texts, all those open tabs in your browser that seem to call out to you. Or at least they call it to me. Think about analog tools as your focus is best friend.

00:02:53:16 - 00:03:19:22
They demand your undivided attention. It's almost like they help you. Silence the siren songs of notifications. P.S. You should also silence purification. Also imagine immersing yourself in your evading without the constant pinging of emails and messages in front of you on a screen. That's the power of analog driven focus. Number four, visual mapping. Okay, this one's really exciting for me.

00:03:20:06 - 00:03:53:00
Visual thinkers. This one's for you. As a designer, you're probably by default, a visual thinker. We solve problems using images, text, graphics, colors, all things that people see. Analog tools help with all that visual thinking. They're like a literal canvas for your imagination. This one is especially important to me as I incorporate what I call the word map method into every project, creating a word map with analog tools allows for tapping into the places where ideas start.

00:03:53:00 - 00:04:26:18
Words. It digs deep to find unique concepts and design elements that are needed to make a design word map. Whether you're sketching concept, digging, wire, framing these tools create a blueprint that guides your design process. Your ideas aren't just spots anymore. When you use analog tools, they can be strategic plans that result in true design greatness. They become a treasure trove of fresh perspectives, ground breaking solutions all mapped out on this analog canvas.

00:04:26:21 - 00:04:57:16
Number five, this is a note. Number five is emotional resonance. Have you ever considered the emotional connection that your designs can invoke when you incorporate your own handwriting into your work? It can actually infuse your creations with humanity. Connecting with your audience on a deeper level and making your creativity really shine something written with your own hands goes beyond fonts and keyboards, forging this genuine connection with your audience.

00:04:57:19 - 00:05:25:18
Your creations don't just impress. They can actually really resonate. Incorporating analog practices isn't just about visuals. It's also about stirring emotions outside of how it creates emotional connections with your audience. Using your own handwriting during your eating process. Sketching out ideas and for say a word map helps you start to own your own unique visual voice by embracing your own handwriting.

00:05:25:23 - 00:05:55:22
You can actually embrace what you alone can say visually. Number six Last but definitely not least, it's called neuro plasticity. I know it's a big word, but it's a game changer. It's basically the brain's ability to adapt and transform. Analog tools work your brain muscles, making it more flexible. Your brain becomes this sort of playground for fresh ideas, helping you become a creative innovator and problem solver.

00:05:55:23 - 00:06:24:04
We all have the potential for adaptability. Analog tools encourage our brains to sort of rewire with each stroke of that pen or pencil. You're actually building connections that enable that growth and rewiring. Regularly using analog tools is like a workout for your brain, strengthening that ability to overcome design challenges and break through all those crazy creative slumps that we can all have from time to time.

00:06:24:08 - 00:06:55:12
There you have it. My fellow creators, the science backed reasons why embracing analog tools can revolutionize your creative process. From neural connections to tactile mastery, focus to emotional resonance, the incredible power of neuroplasticity. Analog tools are absolutely a force to be reckoned with. And now, as promised, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite analog tools and how I use them.

00:06:55:14 - 00:07:21:06
So first, let's talk about pencils. I use a variety of pencils, depending on my mood and what I'm working on. However, I do have a trusty few that I come back to time and time again. My number one trusty stand by is a plastic bic pencil. When I first started designing, I bought expensive mechanical pencils and quickly realized a couple of things.

00:07:21:13 - 00:07:48:12
One, I lose pencils all the time, so buying an expensive metal, heavy mechanical pencils was just not sustainable for me. Also, I break a lot of lead. Another reason I really love these pencils is when I'm sketching out ideas at a thumbnail scale or working on a word map. I like to be able to write small and work in detail cells without constantly needing to sharpen my pencil.

00:07:48:12 - 00:08:08:21
And as a bonus, they come in lots of really bright and fun colors, and I can choose one based on my mood. So that's a plus for me. The other pencil that I've really grown to love in the last few years is the black wing. These are all black wings. While the downside of these is obviously that they need sharp sharpening.

00:08:08:22 - 00:08:30:09
That's also kind of an upside because I'm able to use them to make thicker or darker lines that I might need in any sketching scenario. I love that I can choose different hardness of leather that again helps give a darker look or a light look depending on whether I need to be more precise or I need it to be more smudge worthy for sketching.

00:08:30:11 - 00:09:00:11
So I can't talk about pencils, meaning sharpening. Also, without talking about a tool that I use. But I unexpectedly fell in love with my husband. Mark me these two tools a few years ago for Christmas. They are made by a company called Maker's Cabinet. I never thought I would actually love them as much as I do. The pencil sharpener actually allows me to give a really precise and custom edge or point to any pencil that I sharpen.

00:09:00:14 - 00:09:23:12
Although because it's this crazy blade, I could also sharpen the tip of my own finger, which is nerve wracking, but it's amazing. The other tool that I really like using for creating is this one that does circle shape. But I can't remember the actual name of it, but it's modeled after kind of a camera aperture idea and is super useful in making curves and circles all different sizes.

00:09:23:22 - 00:09:50:12
So besides that, aren't these both just like beautiful? They have these little display stands, which I absolutely love, so I always keep these on my desk as far as pens. I keep a huge bag of pens and markers and things for bringing out parts of the concept thing. In my word map method as well as keeping projects organized in my planner sidebar.

00:09:50:15 - 00:10:20:17
Writing things down in my planner helps me or those are blank, helps me remember them better than putting them in a digital calendar. But again, that's part of the magic of analog, right? Some of my favorite pens are by this company called Tool T u l. I love them. They feel great in my hand. They write super smooth or long lasting, and while they cost a little bit more, they are definitely worth it for me as part of my process and organizing things by color.

00:10:20:19 - 00:10:47:07
But I also don't want to lose expensive pens because as we establish it's a thing I do. So these are my design studio use only pens. Another really important analog tool that I use is highlighters. I don't necessarily have a brand that I prefer one over the other. I just like to keep highlighters around for editing, concept, organizing my thoughts highlighters invest in some.

00:10:47:09 - 00:11:14:23
Lastly, the paper portion of the pen and or pencil and paper conversation. Over the years, I've tried out lots of different kinds of notebooks, sketchbooks, drawing pads, and somewhere around the early 2000s, I really started to fall in love with sketchbooks that have a dot grid. I think the grid is particularly helpful for designers and creatives who really just can't stand to make a mark on a pristine piece of blank paper.

00:11:15:17 - 00:11:43:13
I've talked to lots of people that say it's really overwhelming. There's already something on the paper with a dot grid and it kind of gives you a way to mentally organize where you're going as well as, for example, if you are creating a poster or an album cover or a book cover and you want to start sketching things at scale, you can do that pretty easily by just counting dots and creating that set of lines without needing to measure with a ruler or anything like that.

00:11:43:13 - 00:12:10:18
It's very simple. So I will say that using my strategic process and word map method also gives you a way not to be afraid of that blank page that stares at you, waiting for your ideas to come alive. But having a grid notebook is really a major boost to the analog sketchbook thing. My go to analog sketch sketchbook since 2008 or so has been the Action Journal by Action Method.

00:12:11:04 - 00:12:30:20
Not only does it have the grid, which I already showed you, but it also has space on the side for notes and action steps here on the side, as well as a little backburner section for anything that might come up on the project that doesn't need your immediate attention. But that way you don't forget about it while you're sketching and thinking about things.

00:12:31:06 - 00:12:51:08
So I obviously have a lot of other analog tools I incorporate into my process and my strategic design process, but the ones I've shared are the ones that I use the most often, like every single day, and that I have personally experienced work best for keeping my creative design brain in shape. And I hope that they will help you also.

00:12:51:09 - 00:13:22:09
So before you dove into your next creative endeavor, remember the scientifically proven magic that these tools can bring to your process. Find some for yourself. Thank you so much for joining me today. If you found this video helpful or inspiring, please give it a thumbs up and share it with a friend. And hey, if you're new here, don't forget to subscribe for more uncommon and mind blowing creative insights from yours truly.

00:13:22:19 - 00:13:36:03
Keep those analog tools close and keep creating amazing things. Till next time.