Rebel Health Radio

#8 Book Review: In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Patricia Worby

In this short 17 min review I look at how Peter Levine describes the body as the seat of trauma. The younger you are when this happens the more deeply this embeds along with shame. The viscerally stored messages of threat are why top down approaches (i.e talk therapy) are seldom successful in resolving trauma. This bottom up approach allows someone to connect with their body's messages without fear and just track the sensations and resolve them. Trauma is anything that overwhelms our nervous system. Shame also becomes embedded as the child believes they are the source of the problem and thus they are bad, or wrong. A pervasive sense of badness/wrongness (or even self-loathing).

 These procedural memories of frozen responses can cause bodily symptoms of frozen shoulder and IBS. Even if the person is functional and manages to have a reasonable life of work, raising a family, it can be a 'cardboard existence' of disconnect with their body.
 Learning to deal with these somatic imprints in a therapeutic environment can resolved longstanding issues that defy medical science. Thank you Peter for such a wonderful and useful book. This should be required reading for all medicine.

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