Rebel Health Radio

#13Logosynthesis, Energy and Healing

Patricia Worby

In this 34 min video as part of my 'conversations' series, I talk to Kuljit Sehmi, a chronic pain and trauma release therapist who uses logosynthesis to help people resolve traumatic imprints that limit their lives and create physical symptoms.

In this wide-ranging discussion we talk about how implicit memory of overwhelming events (anything that occurred in a time of no safety) lies in the body. When triggered by events in the current life (like an infection or accident, bereavement, etc), they set in motion a range of physical symptoms which bewilder people and even the health service profession!

I asked her how she came to be doing what she does and it turns out racism and bullying were a part of her story. A former optometrist who had her own health journey through fibromyalgia, chronic arthritis and neuromas, she came to the end of the road with conventional medicine. The lack of hope that having no answers to chronic conditions engenders, when you find that the best that can be done is to manage the disease, is devastating.

Kuljit determined she was going to find answers and she began to look at the emotional stresses she was under as a young mum and growing up with huge pressures to be the 'strong one' and the hidden anger that she suppressed. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)  of being from an Indian family growing up in England and subject to routine racism. The fear of those unpredictable experiences means your body never feels safe and then when you hear the message 'there is no cure' to having an illness, pain and dis-ease are often triggered as the way the body communicates with you. When you understand energy is the basis of the body (MRI's, etc rely on this), with emotions as an expression of different energy flows. And by changing the energetic imprint of past experiences by making the unconscious conscious and shining a light on it,  you allow the body to restore itself.

Anxiety and fear as the backdrop to some childhoods (and in fact the trauma we are going through as a society now with covid) are very traumatic experiences. When our bodies are habituated to stress then we are not safe in the world which becomes our 'normal'. Illness can therefore be a very transformative experience but only when you are wiling to let go of your old identity and embrace a new authentic one.

Kuljit can be contacted on

Patricia can be contacted on and

*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
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See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

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