Rebel Health Radio

Cryptocurrency - a new paradigm?

May 18, 2021 Patricia Worby Episode 15

Although maybe not strictly about health, this new technology is revolutionising finance and creating independence and wellbeing for many people previously disenfranchised from conventional finance. I am teaching myself about crypto-currency, Decentralised finance (#DeFi) and #blockchain as I think it is about to revolutionise everything, much like the internet has. I explain what it is and how it works and why it's important. First in an ongoing series as I begin to invest in this newest currency and/or transactional system.

This is not a technical seminar - it is deliberately pitched to the newbie investor/ lay person. I even talk about my reservations: including the energy requirements to mine crypto and how I think the system needs to be improved. If you are nervous about finance, interested but fearful of this new system and the volatility (rising up and down as Bitcoin has in the last few months) then fear not! This video de-mystifies much of the terminology, machismo and general difference of this newest technology.

If you wish to explore the 'investment fund'* I am involved in please use this introduction link. You need someone to refer you to buy in. Minimum 'investment' is $300 and no maximum. I have been receiving 50HU (their rewards tokens or 'dividends' roughly equivalent to $50 dollars) per day!! This is really astonishing compared to a bank which offers less than 0.1% per year. On current passive investment with compounding (I rebuy at $50 per day) I am due to get my money back in 6-7 months (even sooner if you refer but you don't have to) and thereafter I will be in profit so I can withdraw my starter (seed) sum. And that is using purely passive means (i.e. you do nothing but let it sit there - there is an option to become a referral member and that increases your rewards).

*that's the nearest term I can come up with but intact it is a membership to a platform and you are rewarded with tokens (a form of cryptocurrency) which needs to be exchanged to a bank via a cryptocurrency exchange.

UPDATE I was sceptical but so far (6 weeks on I am now earning $65 per day and I've had to do NO reselling/referrals - this is purely passive income based on rebuys. You will need to have a referral to join however so use this introduction link.

I can be found individually on (trauma therapy and massage) AND together with my team as (multidisciplinary approach to chronic fatigue and post-viral conditions).

*If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

Group Healing Program:
Author/Book site: https//
121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain:
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

Intensive Training Program: