Rebel Health Radio

Longhaul covid: Hope for Recovery

June 03, 2021 Patricia Worby

In this 20 minute conversation with Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist Cath Finegan, we talk about the suffering caused by Longhaul Covid. We cover the statistics, symptoms, similarities to CFS/ME and the need for a multi-faceted interconnected approach to recovery. 

Many longterm illnesses have gut imbalance a their core. A shortage of niacin (Vitamin B3 - niacin or nicotinamide) is crucial for energy production and many people are low on this and other nutrients like Magnesium which feeds into the Krebs cycle (the energy production cycle of the body). When you supplement this, you are able to remedy the depletion which allows the body to self-heal.

But it is crucial to also address the emotional stresses that have contributed massively to the tipping over into illness. Much of the stress is unconscious: toxic stress as an unconscious conflict in the life. This tends to make people push themselves beyond their body's ability to maintain their nervous system in balance and is something they haven't addressed or resolved. Emotions are more than a feeling - they also communicate messages to the body of safety or threat.

Future focus has to be making a holistic (naturopathic) approach available to those with post-viral fatigue syndromes. This seeks to remove the blocks to healing rather than just suppress symptoms. A collaborative team approach also is vital as it works so much better - isolation is such a big component. Getting them out of the autonomic nervous system 'fight and flight' and into a state of flow or social engagement. 

Replacing nutrients (the raw materials for energy production), getting the gut working properly, dealing with toxic stress (from previous traumatic experience) allows us to replace fear with hope (you're not going mad!). Modern trauma healing allows you to tackle past emotional experience without re-traumatising people. And then the body's immune system can begin to restore and anxiety begins to diminish.

Both Cath and I are Chrysalis Effect Practitioners who are trained in CFS/ME and now Post-viral fatigue recovery. If you wish to contact Cath please email on

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