Rebel Health Radio

#34 The Lie of Evidence Based Medicine

Patricia Worby Episode 34

In this short audio I discuss where true health as an expression of  a health and connected mind, body and spirit has been ignored in favour of a mechanistic and limited model of the 'human machine'. So called 'evidence based medicine' EBM has been appropriated for use by Big Pharma as an excuse to push the 2 arms of profit based medicine - surgery and pharmaceuticals to the detriment of our population. 

That there is an alternative model is largely ignored and it's time to bring back a concept of health as wholeness - a deeper spiritual connection with who we are here to be and bring back meaning to lives that have become disconnected and anxious.

See the video version here.

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hi everyone patricia worby alchemy therapies here and rebel health radio and and i haven't done a podcast in a while and i apologize um just so much going on with the emotional audit um various things being redesigned with my website and new plans ahead for 2022 but just wanted to make a comment really on some of the things that i'm observing right now around the manipulation of what's going on and how things like um we've heard a lot around evidence-based medicine which used to be regarded as what you could see or observe the signs and symptoms clinical signs and symptoms in people that you were working with so if you were a doctor you would assess your patient and determine what was going on with them but of course it's been taken over really as a means by which to appropriate the treatment of human beings as being solely down to uh pharmaceutical or surgical means and that anything else that you observe in a person uh even on a physical level let alone a mental or spiritual level is not evidence-based somehow and of course this flies in the face of the reality that human beings are spiritual creatures we have a mind and a body that intercommunicates the idea that we are a broken machine which permeates modern medicine and uses the uh evidence-based medicine mantra to kind of poo poo any any alternative to the two arms that i've already discussed the two arms of modern medicine which basically seek to either cut out something that's gone wrong or change its physiology in some way that we don't really understand but takes away the symptom which of course the symptom is your warning sign it's like the flashing oil light on your dashboard saying you know something needs fixing here but what we do is we take out the the lamp and say that's fixed of course it doesn't change anything that's underlying and evidence-based medicine is the mantra that a lot of medical health professionals use it's been largely appropriated to mean the gold standard kind of um clinical trial which is a double-blind placebo-controlled trial or rct and actually these are very difficult to do with any intervention other than a single uh drug or intervention very difficult to do if you change more than one parameter which is why the placebo which is where you do nothing or you do something that's innocuous as a comparison is needed of course in nutrition when we change the nutrition of the human being which is actually a very powerful epigenetic modulator epigenetics simply means above genetics it changes your dna expression is one of the most powerful things you can do is changing your diet as is changing your your kind of spiritual or emotional health actually resolving things that have gone unlooked at unconsidered in you for years and years and years usually from early childhood experience and that's something you know i've had to do to heal i've had to lead people that way as well through the murky sometimes difficult sometimes messy place of their own emotional landscape the idea that we are um we're wounded in many many ways by very common experiences not necessarily horrendous one-off experiences but the everyday kinds of things that happen to people and that wounding does not go away it simply perpetuates down the generations and also through to all your relationships and everything that you do from the choice of your job the way you deal with money the obviously your personal relationships are hugely affected and your physical health because your mind reads your body or you're basically you're expressing yourself in certain ways because your mind and your body are ultimately in communication with each other and thus your thoughts and feelings translate into physical health issues just as surely as a chemical imbalance will and so we have to we have to look that we're more than these isolated machine like beings which that idea was generated in the victorian age when we were very much into this kind of factory system building machines to do everything and we kind of envisaged our own bodies as being somewhat that way as well and we now know through the study of you know quantum quantum biology that that energy pervades everything and changes everything and the observe the observer actually change changes the expression of the energy as well down to the very small level of our atoms and subatomic particles and we're all composed of atoms and subatomic particles so intention energy all change the expression of ourselves and so in many ways the evidence if it was really evidence-based based on the whole person expressing themselves in whatever way they they are if we had practitioners who were trained in this field and we do but they're all unfortunately in alternative fields rather than in mainstream medicine we would we would take that into account as well and see how people are living their lives and how they are expressing themselves is it authentic are they in connection with their their highest self you know the authentic self are they doing things and expressing themselves in ways that feel true and joyful or are they stuck or blocked in many many ways as so many of us are um we cannot we cannot medicate our way out of depression depression anxiety chronic pain chronic illness are all expressions of a disconnect with us a bigger dimension a spiritual dimension of ourselves and who we're meant to be and if this sounds new agey freaky nonsense you're in the wrong place um i'm i'm actually a scientist i was trained in biology biochemistry physiology nutritional medicine i've come from that left brain kind of very logical way of looking at the world and i love that way of looking at the world i love to know how things work and i bring that joy and that connection with the sort of detail of things to the work i do but um so many of us in our culture has lost connection with the the right brain or the kind of intuitive or heart-led sense of the bigger picture thinking and so we are we're completely hamstrung we're trying to operate in a world that operates according to these kind of quantum energetic notions with a brain that tells us that we just have to get more information in order to function um and when we've figured it all out then we'll be well then we'll be healthy or then we'll live the life that we want more information does not nothing other than overload you what we want is wisdom and wisdom comes through heart-based connection with truth which is our truth which is the truth of who we are in this world what we're meant to be doing here as part of nature not in dominion over nature all of the things that we've lost and we've lost them very rapidly in the last two years through our determination to kind of crush what's going on to to um battle with nature and overcome this uh problem that we're facing which is largely down to our own ignorance and greed and that's where i'm going to stop for now but thank you for listening bye folks do subscribe bye