Rebel Health Radio

#44 Healing with Teamwork

Patricia Worby Episode 44

In this short 21 min audio I discuss team working with one of my collaborators Janie Perry on how our clients make better progress when working with more than one modality.

Janie is a naturopathic nutritionist who works to help improve people's gut health. But she noticed early on that people with a high degree of stress often were not making much improvement. So, by working with those clients with my input to tackle the longterm stress we enhance the nutritional input as the body is switched from being in fight and flight mode.

I have noticed that more support and accountability have huge effects. This has led me to set up a group programme called The Emotional Audit Programme ( for people to help heal their longterm stress together with the support of others.

Janie can be contacted on and you can contact me on

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121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain:
See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

Intensive Training Program:

Hi everyone it's Patricia Worby alchemy therapies here and a chat is on its way with my lovely colleague and friend Janie perry naturopathic nutritionist welcome Janie it's lovely to see you again hi Patricia lovely to see you too thanks for having me know we spoke we spoke oh it must be probably about a year ago think when we last had a conversation together but just thought given that you know times are tough at the moment a lot of people are going through lots of challenges aren't they that we are working together you and on lots of client clients as a team you know and thought it might be a good moment to maybe discuss how that differs perhaps from working just solo with you know one person from the client point of view as well as from our point of view yeah yeah you know it's great that we've got a good handful of clients that we're working together with and think the team approach is really helping and people to move forward quicker yeah  certainly  someone I’ve seen this week who's been working with you and another one of our colleagues and the homeopath who has just moved forward leaps and bounds in the last couple of months from where he was and think that's it's almost working as a team on the different layers isn't it that from my angle on the nutrition side I’m very much working focused on the physical side of people's healing recovery and yourself obviously looking at the emotional side and it almost seems that dual approach seems to allow the body to heal a little bit quicker yeah so what's your what's your experiences so far? yeah think it's, you know, it's more than the sum of the parts you know, when you're adding you're adding in a nutritional angle and then you're adding in an emotional angle and then maybe you're supporting the bioenergetics of the person there's a cumulative effect think on the body because the body is energy you know, so if you're only getting one energy input that's good it's different, it's new, it's making a change but if you're getting three or two it has that amazing boost to the energetic healing properties of the body. So for me it's sort of adding in yeah extra ‘oomph’ can't think of another word to the process, and it goes a lot quicker. But also think people feel much more supported and think that there is a problem with working one-to-one and here's the problem I’ve perceived is that you're not there all the time right - you have this appointment with somebody for an hour and it might be an hour a month it might be an hour every six weeks or whatever it is and they're great while you're working with them and maybe in the week afterwards and then there's a kind of natural tendency to revert back to what you know - the patterns of thinking, the habits of behaviour if you can't be there. But if in a team effort we can stagger because know, you and do that we stagger our appointments so that you're in between mine and vice versa then they've got a much sort of even, more even support structure and less likely to kind of revert back so that that does seem to make a difference doesn't it. Yeah think it’s almost keeping that positive message flowing isn't it? Showing support there a little bit of the accountability, the check in what's worked so far you know the last few weeks what's working for you what's not yeah and keeping the momentum going because it is as you say that starts to sort of drop off a little bit if the sessions are months six weeks kind of a little bit too long what's it what's the saying it takes three weeks to create a new habit doesn't it so really that three weeks is where they really need that support and the second three weeks is really kind of instilling that, you overcome you know some default behaviour almost isn't it yeah. One of the things certainly see obviously I’m working on the physical angle and as a nutritionist in naturopathy digestion is at the core of our health and there's obviously lots that we can do from a food perspective - looking at testing if needed to check out how what's going on in the gut and it's often the first place start you know that real core of our health but also from the emotional perspective that our nervous system is completely entwined within our digestive tract actually. When people are very stressed or have got trauma both - that they're stuck in that sympathetic dominant side, they're stuck in the stress mode - the gut doesn't work so whatever do from that physical angle if they're not working on the emotional stuff they will be almost like holding this tension in the gut so it doesn't want to digest it doesn't want to repair so certainly by soothing, almost soothing that emotional side, soothing the nervous system starts to allow that a little bit more of a relaxed digestion which allows it to work. Yeah allowing them to get into that parasympathetic side that we know that's where they digest that's where they repair and recharge and think you know that that's the lovely combination that I’ve always seen the dual approach of the emotional and physical work  together and as you say that accumulative effect - the more that they're, more than they're working on their health and their well-being, the more benefits they're going to see that, the quicker they're going to get back their energy back, their health back whatever it is that they're working on. yeah know we've had we've had a lot of clients actually that they usually start with nutrition because that's the first thing you think of when you've got an issue you know, need to change my diet or need to look at what's happening but very few people take into account the stress side and stress is, you know, from past experience as well as what's going on in your life currently because it actually blocks any other changes you're likely to make because it as you say it puts you in this state of you can't relax so your gut is never going to accept the supplementation, it just passes straight through!  So think for people who are working on chronic, particularly chronic conditions, you know, you and tend to work mostly on chronic conditions, mean it does work with acute issues as well of course but you've got this whole cycle of long-term chronic stress which has down-regulated your digestion and your absorption so putting in you know well let's be honest, you know, supplementation can be expensive, so putting in, you know, a whole raft of changes into the gut and but then for them not to be absorbed because the whole system is rejecting it, that sensitivity is a bit wasteful so think it, actually it's beneficial for both of both of us to know that each of us is working on a complementary side of that person, that we're working with. And I’m trying to get the stress down, you're trying to get the absorption up and those two do work together so for me it's just a win-win really to work with people together and it's how the health service obviously should work really shouldn't it and sometimes does if you're lucky you get people collaborating but it's been it's been less and less think recently as obviously the health service is under so much pressure and strain to keep going, people have less and less time to confer with colleagues. mean you and have regular kind of team meetings don't we and in our other teams know you're in a a separate team from me and we're in a slightly bigger team together as well and there are like worlds within worlds yeah but it's finding the time think it's - you hit the nail on the head there, you know, the NHS is under so much pressure at the moment and  you know collaboration's probably not happening whether it did in the past or not don't know so much but think that's almost the trauma that's come out the last couple of years as well stress that's on people for various different reasons and it needs to certainly be looked at and addressed as well and you talked about something there which think is a key point to discuss a bit further about sensitivity. A lot, you know, do have a lot of clients with chronic exhaustive conditions who are very sensitive and we have to go in really gently with food changes and supplementation and look at. You often would consider looking at requesting samples for the clients so that they can try things out first and I’d be really interested to hear your sort of view on the sort of sensitivity and why does why does that happen from the emotional side, what impact does that have? So sensitivity is an epigenetic effect so it's both your genetic predisposition plus the environment and if your environment is stressful, if it contains conflicts internal conflicts like ‘I’m in the wrong job, I’m in the wrong relationship, can't trust people because my emotional needs weren't met when was young and that's my model of the world’ and you're basically setting certain genes to come on which  promote, say for instance, cortisol production and cortisol is extremely damaging, it's the most one of the most important stress hormones probably next to adrenaline because it's normally meant to regulate i.e. it turns the stress response system off. So if you're bathed in cortisol the whole time because your genes are promoting that or they're stopping you from breaking it down properly - loads of effects happen from that, but one of the main ones is where your brain, first of all affects your brain, and all the regulatory neuro-hormonal effects so you end up kind of running on this burnout, you know, you are stressed but you don't know you're stressed. You don't always know because it's become so normal the fact that you're wired all the time, that you your sleep isn't that restful, it has become part of your normal every day so it's sometimes hard for people to realize how much stress they're under and it's having this cascade of effects on the whole body where their brains are telling their gut ‘hurry up, hurry up’ so everything speeds through.. or ‘collapse and slow down because we're under so much threat’ you know and so people are getting constipation as well as diarrhoea and there's malabsorption and dysbiosis - sorry all these long words but dysbiosis of course, you know but just for people listening, is the imbalance in your gut flora because we're more than just one person we're a community of organisms, we're the host if you like for a community of organisms that lives in our guts. And a healthful, balanced, joyful, creative life is essential to that balance and so this sensitivity can wire us to see threat everywhere and completely wreck those systems for the reasons that you've already said you know, you've got a huge nerve network in the gut so if these messages of ‘I’m in the wrong life, I can't cope, I’m overwhelmed’ they they're going to actually affect everything in your life but particularly digestion which is the seat of your immune system, it's the seat of your reaction to the world - you know how you are in the world is largely in your inner skin which is your gut lining so yeah it wires you for threat basically permanently. Yeah fascinating thank you for expanding on that I think that's really helpful as you say the digestion is the one system that's exposed to the external world isn't it obviously, yeah, so it's hugely important and getting that balance is key and that's, you know, it's a real passion for me getting digestion, that's a starting point I would say for health. So yeah well we're living stressful lives anyway and then we're adding extra stress right now because we've got you know all the stuff that's going on in the world that's seemingly  unending, you know, this constant fear of threat to our existence so there's lots going on at the moment that isn't helping people to live good lives, balanced lives so you and I are more needed than ever. I think I’m certainly seeing the team approach much more needed with clients and a lot of the views hugely for all the reasons we've explained yeah and think that that then helps people to get to where they want to in in terms of their health goals. Yes and you know investing in that in the short term helps with the long-term effect basically doesn't it, gets people there? yeah it's a good, it's a good point actually the ‘investment’ as opposed to ‘cost’ because a lot of people think well ‘it costs a certain amount that's quite a lot you know’ but without your health you haven't, you have nothing, you can have all the money in the world but without your health it's completely useless and your health is the most important thing in your life and think we have to take people away from the state I was in 10-15 years ago which was I didn't spend any money on me because I had poor self-esteem and it didn't seem worth it and I would go ‘well unless I’m really ill I’m not going to spend money on myself’ but now see it more as health maintenance - as kind of keeping myself well to go and see people not because I’m in terrible pain or have a really big problem but because I want to maintain my health and that's an investment that I deem worthwhile because I want a good life, I want a long life, I want a productive life and think we've all been sold this notion that, particularly in the UK where health care is ostensibly free  - although it isn't because we pay for it in national insurance - but we're used to saying well ‘doc fix me’ when things go wrong. We don't take responsibility for what we can do to make lifestyle changes and get help from people who know a little bit more than we do to help support ourselves, you know, so for me the investment angle is really important to kind of say how much is your health worth? You know I think that's a really valid point, it's a mindset shift, there really Patricia isn't it in terms, of as you say, investing in our health before it drops away. And  similar to yourself, I had a chronic fatigue experience and post-viral fatigue about 15 years ago and before that I wouldn't really have done a lot to invest in my health but when you've lost your health you throw everything at it to regain it because as you say you can't live your life as you want to when you're in bed or your health is on the floor so it's about yeah investing as a preventative measure, as a maintenance measure to keep to keep health well and enjoy life to the maximum rather than limping around or putting up with this ache or pain doing something about it because there's always a reason isn't there that',s absolutely cause yeah physical passion for my, for me from looking from a physical angle and an emotional angle yeah what's the causes yeah why the body is out of balance yeah by addressing those causes it's amazing how the body can come back into balance. yeah it truly is, yeah we bring that together. Yeah well it's great and I think when people understand that, when they realize they're more powerful than they thought they were because we tend to give, if we say, you know, ‘I can't do anything, I need someone else to heal me’ that's not how we work we're very collaborative, we work with people with the condition not with the condition that the person has right, so that's very different and think it helps it helps people to gain their own power, to find what works for them and develop that in their lives and so it's a much different approach to the one that current healthcare uses and actually it's one that I’ve been developing a little bit recently in my group program which I’ve been trying to bring in to show people that isolation is so much a big part of why we get ill, all right we think we're alone, we think we're separate, particularly if we've had situations in our lives that have, you know, we've gone through a divorce or we've had a bereavement or we've lost a job that we really loved and valued or some form of loss of meaning in our life and isolation will definitely trigger a lot of these symptoms you know the sense of being alone with our pain or problem and so my recent foray into bringing together a community approach as sort of an extension of the team approach, if you like, is to bring people going through a program together to discover not only do emotions impact your mental health but they absolutely impact your physical health in ways that we've already intimated and so having a community of people to learning together, sharing together, finding what they have in common rather than what divides them is hugely empowering and it has these massive shifts in what people are able to do in their lives, they start to feel well they start to feel in harmony with themselves, you know, they start to understand who they really are because we are often taught that we're not enough, that we we're simply, we don't fit, you know and that that message is very damaging as you you've already mentioned. So I’m doing that right now. Brilliant yeah where do we find the where do we find the group course? So it's called the emotional audit program and you can find it on We are, we've done the Founder membership last year so we've kind of developed the program, that was an exciting time because we got people in and they helped me put it together really, I had the idea but needed input and now it's kind of fully formed and ready to go it's wonderful and it's yeah it's 14 weeks but it's not so intense that you know you have to give up the rest of your life - it fits around your life but the wonderful thing is the community aspect, the group aspect it's really huge and you know I think as said it's almost an extension of this team approach that you and are doing and which is providing great results for our clients so thank you and thank you so much for talking to me. And how can people find you Janie? So my business name is Happy Bean nutrition and wellbeing solutions and the web address is Brilliant and I’ll happily have a, offer people a free half an hour consultation about their issues and how we can support that and work with them. Yeah absolutely so catch you as always.. yeah it was really nice to catch up again thank you Janie and take care, no doubt we'll talk again soon. Thank you, bye for now everyone catch me on and subscribe take care!