Female emPOWERED: Winning in Business & Life

What Metrics Should You Be Tracking?

October 05, 2021

Welcome back to another episode of Female emPOWERED! Are you measuring growth in your business? Whether you call them metrics, KPI's , measurables or analytics...they're important! If we're not measuring things in our business then we don't know where to go and how to know what is working and what's not.

It's so important to be making business decisions based on numbers. So if you're feeling like you want to generate more revenue, get more clients or cut your hours yet remain profitable, let's talk about what you should be measuring!

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why measuring things in your business is important for growth
  • The metrics I measure in my business, what they tell us and how I decided on these
  • The 3 categories I use to organize metrics: growth, operations, and finance

Looking for advice and resources to help you market and grow your clinic or client based business? Visit my website or follow me on Instagram!

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review for the show to help other female fitness and wellness professionals find our podcast!

Links mentioned in this episode:
Pricing Profit & Process Masterclass