Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR)

EPR Minisode 2: Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

Nic Frederick and Laura Thorne

Welcome back to Environmental Professionals Radio, Connecting the Environmental Professionals Community Through Conversation, with your hosts Laura Thorne and Nic Frederick! 

We are dropping our second minisode today! There's no interview, just a timely and important message we wanted to share with everyone as we come up on the Thanksgiving holiday. This is taking place instead of our regularly scheduled episode on Friday this week, but we will be publishing another full length episode next Friday. Let us know what you're thankful for on our YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWdUhbtalnA) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/naeptweets) pages! Thank you so much for listening!

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Yeah, hey everybody, we are not doing our typical episode this week. It's one of our little minisodes.  It's Thanksgiving, we know everybody's gonna be busy eating, stuffing their faces and so we wanted to do something short sweet and fun for you guys and let you know what we're thankful for as well. So super short but super fun. Give it a listen.

And a watch.

And I guess for the podcast, hit that music

[Minisode starts]

Transition. Kara's also joining the conversation so I mean , I don't know Kara.

I'm not leaving her out and it's Thanksgiving. Yeah, this is our this is our gratitude video for Thanksgiving. We're not publishing so don't get up at six o'clock in the morning. Or stop your Black Friday shopping to look for the latest EPR because it's not going to be there. We're taking the time off to be with their family and friends, or sleep in and I don't know Nic, are you black Friday? Are you Black Friday shopper?

Let's see how I describe this. I did it once four years ago and swore on my life. I would never do it again. So that's where I am with it.  Three hours in one line.


Yeah, same thing we did. We woke up really early in the morning once and it just didn't seem, it didn't seem worth it. And yeah, the crowds, the early morning. Nope, no, no, no. Once done for me. Thanks.

I know some people are really fanatic.

Yeah, for all those reasons I've never tried.

Yeah, you will see that's what you're the smartest one here. And I'm like I'll do anything once Yeah. It's so dumb.

Words to regret.

Yeah. And honestly, like, it's like, there's just so many people that are more tenacious than than I am about getting that, you know, like, flat screen TV. I'm like, I could kill myself for this, but I prefer to stay alive. So


You know, it's just I'm not and I can't do it not an early bird. I can get up early. I just really don't like to. So.


I mean, there are I mean, I have friends who do it every year and they love it. It's like a family tradition.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. 

They're  out with their family,

And their tents. or whatever.

I guess they find it exciting or something but is not for me. But anyway. Gratitude. I start all my meetings with my student workers with three things of gratitude. That's something we don't really do. We ask each other if we're still having fun, but we haven't really done gratitude. So I'm going to put you on the spot Nic. What are you grateful for?

Three things I'm grateful for

Yeah,  you have to do three because it's really easy to do one or two


It is easy.

People say their dogs or their cats, or their family and the weather? Yeah, those are surface level you got to get to the third one has to be something that's not surface level.


Right. Okay. Well, I can I don't want to start with non surface level I am. I am actually very grateful for Laura, for these exact kind of moments. Like there's been a lot of you know, over the course of the year, like just how you frame things, how you think through things. Maybe the idea again, that you're asking for three things because you know that it's gonna be better than asking for one. I really appreciate that kind of stuff because it's not always been in my, in my mind, but yeah, that that sense of leadership, that sense of, you know, you're just very interested in people and very interested in getting to the meaty stuff and that's really, really good because I also love doing that. But sometimes I don't always think about it. So yeah, very, very thankful for that. So now that I gave that at one, I don't have to do the other two, right.

Right, the other two can be easy.

Yeah, I mean, if we're doing it show related, I don't know. I think I'm just grateful for the platform grateful for NAEP for giving us the opportunity to do this. I think when we first started it's to say we think we'd be here would be, you know a lie. I was like I don't even know who this Laura person is fine, maybe like two episodes it's gonna fail. And you know, that was that that imposter syndrome in me, but it's been just been absolutely fantastic. Being able to do this weekly has been so fun and so enjoyable. And then hearing from people you know, has been even better like, hey, the show is great. I love it and from people I don't even know which really, really is really inspiring, you know, hearing hearing the other people are sharing this with their co workers, with their students,

With their sisters.

Yeah, their sisters. We literally just heard a story about that and you know who are in college trying to figure out what they want to do. And that is so cool. So extremely thankful for that. And man, one last one, see, this is what it says where you get me this is where it is

Well let me give you a hint. It probably should have mentioned your wife.

Oh wow, Well Lauren. Well, I mean, yes, for sure.

It goes without saying but.

But, but but sometimes it needs to be said. She's She's fantastic. The fact that she lets me do this. I say that jokingly but, you know, I'm like, I gotta record for the podcast and she gives me that look like okay, but you know, we got you got it. You got like one one minute to do that. So we're supposed to go to the grocery store no. I mean, yeah, genuinely was super thankful for for everybody. Lauren in particular has been great. So she's she's fantastic.

Awesome. Well I'm grateful for Lauren that she lets you do this so. Kara, I'm gonna put you on the spot too.

Oh, so much to be thankful for. I'm really thankful for. Well, again, I'm thankful for this platform and I really, even before I started volunteering for the podcast, and I was just a listener. It was so interesting to hear all the different career paths that people took and how it got them to where they are now. And so I'm so thankful for all of our guests that come on and share their experiences with us because that's really cool. Especially for, you know, those of us who are starting out their careers and it's just, they they offer so much wisdom and advice and I just love hearing about all that. Thankful for both of you for you know, being so supportive and it's just been it's been so much fun. It's been a learning experience, but it's also been a lot of fun and I'm so I'm really grateful for that. Just grateful for just everything I have, you know, we get so caught up in the daily grind and everything that you know you got to stop and pause and be thankful for everything you have and all the people that are in your life. Those are my three.




So I'm grateful for all the things you guys mentioned. But I'm also

Ok, that doesn't count by the way that's not

No. I don't want to repeat what you said or grateful for those things. But I'll add to that, that I'm just super grateful for the technology and the world we live in that allows us to do this. I mean, having conversations with me all over the world. Yeah, and it's clear and you can record it and you can hear it again. I mean, it's not I mean, I just sometimes I get lost in like the magic of it. Like how can we talk and record our voices, our faces and then put them out to the universe magic, you know, we call it technology but it's magic, really. And I'm grateful for all of the environmental professionals who are out there trying to fight climate change, dedicating their lives to you know, it's a higher calling, it's really, you know, we're trying to make the world a better place and fix problems that need to be righted. And, you know, super grateful that it's now moving into a space where people are trying. It feels like we're trying to actually include and do the right thing for all the right people, instead of just like white washing things and saying like, Oh, look what we did, or greenwashing as they call it, but so that and then I'm also just grateful for all of the people like you said, it's so weird. I'm not a people person, but I'm a people person. Grateful for every single person, every step, every person we talk to you I want to go visit I want to see where they live. So I'm grateful for that and their stories. And then I guess I'm just I'm grateful to just be here. I don't know what that means. But I'm just grateful to be here and have the opportunities that I have. So, um, that's it and then so this week is Thanksgiving, everyone I think, you know if everyone could sit down and instead of or in addition to saying a grace, like really do this three things you're grateful for, you know what I mean with your family or with your friends or something? Because it's kind of fun to learn stuff about each other.




Like, like how Laura left out, Tobie and I cannot believe that that's Oh, wow, I don't want, I'm hurt for him.

so I mentioned in my team meetings, we start with this and he's always included in those.

As there's a tail here, and there we go.

Yeah, I think we're all grateful for our pets, especially through the pandemic.

Yeah, for sure.


Thank you, Laura, again for walking us through all that. It's such a great, like I say. We're really thankful for the opportunities here. And you know, hope all of you are having a great time. And a great, wonderful holiday and hope there's lots of things for you guys to be thankful for too. So don't worry, we're back next week each and every Friday. And yeah, have a great weekend everybody.

Be safe. Eat lots, be well.

Bye everybody.


Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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