The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 24: Entrepreneur Chat with Multipassionate Creative & Owner of 3 Businesses Bailey Aro Hutchence

Ang Stocke

Welcome to Episode 24!

“Entrepreneur Chat with Multipassionate Creative and Owner of 3 Businesses, Bailey Aro Hutchence.” 

This chat can help you all through the entrepreneurial hard parts and the stuck parts….for those of you in ANY stage of business. Whether it’s opening your first business, your second, or even your third; tune in. You’ll benefit from YEARS OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE in today’s episode!


Today’s Podcast is for you if:

A- You’re currently feeling stuck and alone because it’s lonely at the top and you want to feel like someone gets you….and has been where you are.

B- You want to hear from someone who has started and runs 3 solid businesses while still taking time off to travel, write, and go deep with special projects and planning.

C- You want to hear from someone who THINKS BIG!!

D- You have a business, and you need some KEEP GOING energy!!! 

E- You want to hear what it’s really like to run 3 companies at one time. 

F- You’re ready to open your second or third business, and you want to hear from someone who’s currently doing it.

G- You want to know how coaching can help you open your first, second, or third business.

H-You’re curious about the ROI of coaching.

I- You want to hear from a business owner who has a soulful, purposeful business mindset.


Meet Bailey! 

She is a shining example of a brilliant creative.


Bailey is a multi-passionate entrepreneur born & raised in Duluth, MN. She is the founder of three companies: Bailey Aro Photography, White Spruce Market, and Cedar Bound. As a small business owner for over 12 years, Bailey has fallen in love with not only the creative side of her work, but also the joys (& challenges) of building heartfelt brands.

 In addition, she loves to teach & coach small business owners on mindset, marketing strategy, client experience, and navigating entrepreneur life. She’s a fierce believer in the power of community, and loves helping others move through challenges, whether it’s overwhelm, imposter syndrome, or even moments of defeat.

When she’s not working on fun business projects, you’ll find her dreaming up the next travel adventure, reading or writing her booty off, and hanging out in the woods with her bearded British husband & their two giant lap dogs, Summit + Mowgli.


Episode Takeaways:

●      Bailey’s success might have something to do with the depth of purpose she has in all 3 businesses 

●      Being ALIGNED with your work is KEY for the long hau

●      There’s another way to think about work…it could be kind of easy, there’s another way to think about your work

●      When you love your work, so much goodness is possible…and it’s available to you.

●      Writing and journaling helps you move forward!!!!

●      When you feel stuck, use the question: What Would It Take to ______?

●      When you feel confident about your purpose, other’s negative opinions just don’t affect you as much

●      Systems and routines are helpful right away in your first years of business


And lastly, here’s a quick commercial: 

It’s almost here! Our Life by Design Course, where people learn how to design a life they love. It’s for those of you who are ready to get to the next level…and maybe love life just a little bit more. Get more information at



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