The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 33: 5 Ways You Could Be More Organized Around Money (Money Series 5)

Ang Stocke

Hey gang! Welcome to Episode 33, 

5 Ways You Could Be More Organized Around Money.

(Money Series 5)


This episode is for those of you who feel like you’d like to be more organized with your money. Whether it’s in your business or in your personal life. 


If you have some behaviors that sabotage your success around money, keep reading.

If you’ve noticed some patterns that keep repeating and you want to stop them, you’re in the right place.


Let’s become aware of WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW with your money.

How do you earn it? And how do you feel about that?

How many streams of income do you have? Would you like more?

How do you keep it organized? And how is that working for you?

How do you grow your money? And what does that look like? And could you be doing it better?

How do you feel about spending money? 

What does your self-talk around money sound like?


I don’t expect you to answer these questions now.

The point is…I want you to know that in America, we’ve got some work to do. 

Let’s start the work.

Let’s get good at money.

Let’s get good at earning it.

Let’s get good at saving some.

Let’s feel confident about how we spend.

Let’s have enough so we feel good donating some.

Let’s have a system to keep it organized.

Let’s gett good at letting it grow.

Let’s be AWESOME at our mindset around money.


I am not an expert here.

I am a very interested party.

I am a part of the larger conversation about money in our society.

The role I play in this larger conversation is helping people with their relationship with money.

I help people with mindset…the way you think.

Which is the root of it all.

If we can change your thinking, then your behavior changes.

If your behavior changes, then your results change.


In this episode, I want to gently introduce you to some practical things you can do to bring a little more structure to your money life.


So first, I’m gonna talk a little bit about money and society in general.

Then, I’ll give you 5 simple things you can do to start getting organized around money.

That’s it. 


Push Play on Episode 33 Today. Let’s get really GOOD at money!!!




You Are a Badass at Making Money, by Jen Sincero

Suze Orman’s Financial Guidebook

Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey

Money: Master the Game, by Tony Robbins

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