The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 37: 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Creative Business

Ang Stocke

Starting your own creative business???

Push play on Episode 37: 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Creative Business.


This episode is for you if:

1.   Are thinking about starting a business, either full time or part time or even just a little side hustle. Any size, any commitment level…if you are thinking of starting a business, this is a good episode for you.

2.   If you’ve already decided you’re going to start a biz and you’re in the beginning phase. 

3.   If you’ve been making your product for awhile and maybe giving it away or selling it for very little, and you think it might be time to start charging money.

4.   If you think a small business is what you want to do with your life but you need some more information.

5.   You want a specific example of how to switch your business from “just trying it” to “this is a real business”.


You’ll learn about:

1.   Proof of Concept…and the 5 steps that go along with this important phase of business development

2.   How much I want you to LOVE what your making/doing

3.   How a shoestring budget might be the best way to start 

4.   Your calendar and schedule for this business….and what to do if you get SO BUSY

5.   What it looks like when you move from giving your merch and/or services away for free/reduced to charging for them. Perhaps the most helpful part of this is the example letter I’ve written to illustrate how you can share with your followers that you’re business is taking off, and your business and order structure has changed. 



In the Flo by Alissa Vitti



Ang Stocke Coaching Links

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Ang Stocke Coaching Links
Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn