The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 18: CALENDAR CONTROL Volume 1: Creating Your Ideal Workweek, Workmonth, + Workyear.

Ang Stocke

Welcome to Episode 19

CALENDAR CONTROL Volume 1: Creating Your Ideal Workweek, Workmonth, + Workyear.


Download the companion coaching exercise for free at


This episode is for you if you:

●    Want to be more INTENTIONAL about your calendar

●    Want to say YES to what lights you up

●    Want to say NO to what doesn’t

●    Want to make sure you take a VACATION this year

●    Want to get your calendar year ORGANIZED

●    Want to work when work feels GOOD

●    Want some inpiration around your SCHEDULE

●    Want to set time aside for SPECIAL PROJECTS

●    Need some FRESH MINDSETS around planning your workweek, workmonth and year

●    Need permission to SHIFT OUT OF THE 9-5


This episode will guide you through designing your ideal workweek, workmonth and workyear. Grab the free companion coaching exercise and push PLAY.




Links mentioned in the episode:

Wheel of Life Coaching Exercise

Calendar Control Exercise


Dubsado Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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Ang Stocke Coaching Links
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