The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 19: 2021 Year in Review Business Workshop

Ang Stocke

Hey gang!! Get ready...this episode is a big one!

I wanna invite you to join me today for a workshop.

And when I say workshop, I mean, there’s gonna be a workbook, and working, and learning. 

An End of 2021 Business Review Workshop.

It’s my Happy New Year Gift to all the entrepreneurs listening out there. 

This is ONE THING I DID NOT DO when I had a flower shop and it is one reason I left MONEY ON THE TABLE.


This workshop is for brilliant entrepreneurs.

For shop owners, coaches, makers, creatives, non-creative, entrepreneurs with one, two and three businesses. 


Who should listen in and do the workshop?

Welp...if you want to:

●    Figure out what direction you want to take in 2022

●    Decide what it’s time to let go of

●    Decide what it’s time to grab onto

●    Celebrate what you DID DO in 2021

●    Identify your next best steps now

●    Feel confident about your biz in 2022


What will it do for you?

●    Systematically gather info from all parts of your biz

●    Organize your learning from this past year, which is golden.

●    Help you think clearly about what you want in 2022

●    Help you identify what needs to happen next

●    Help you build momentum starting in January, instead of looking up on January 31st and saying, “Ooof, is January already over?”


What do you need?

Pencil, pen, and your free beautiful full-color 16 page workbook.

YES, A WORKBOOK!!!! This free downloadable workbook is a GAME CHANGER for creating actual and lasting change in your business this next year. 


You can download it for free at


The goal of today’s episode is to help you gently review each area of your business. The ultimate goal is for you to figure out WHAT YOUR NEXT STEPS ARE...and for you to feel dang good about getting as far as you’ve gotten this year. I mean...if you have a biz right now, and you are here listening to this, it means you are IN. You have a biz. You either started in the past couple years or you’ve managed to keep it in the past couple years OR...maybe you’re one of those business owners who absolutely would not be denied and improved your business these past two years. Either way, YOU are a biz owner. And if you are, review and reflection MUST be one of the tools in your business tool kit. This episode will help you do it. Even if you’ve never done it before. 


We break up your business into 18 different parts. 

Then, we have you ask yourself 4 questions about each part.

At the end, you’ll decide which part is the most important to focus on first.


If EVERY business owner did this, they would benefit.

You know why? 

Because taking a good look at what happened or didn’t happen this past year is the first step in deciding what you want to happen next. 

This workshop will help your brain feel calmer, more organized, more confident, and it will help you see that you really did get a BUNCH of amazing stuff done this past year. 

Even in life got in the way.

Even if your kid got sick.

Even if you moved.

Even if you didn’t make a ton of money at your last show.

Even if you’re feeling disconnected from your colleagues or work community.

Even if you’re still working at home. 


Take the time to do a deep dive on your biz. 

You have a gold mine of information and we need to MINE IT.

You worked for the entire year. 

Ang Stocke Coaching Links
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