The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 20: 20 Ideas for Incorporating Flowers, Plants + Greens in Your Home Office

Ang Stocke

Friends!!! Welcome to what will probably be one of my fave episodes ever.

This episode is for the plant lovers, the almost plant lover, the non-green thumbs, the green thumbs, the all thumbs. No matter where you are in your plant and flower life, here’s some inspiration for you and your office!

As a former floral boutique owner, I’ve got a LOT of info to share. Today’s episode has a simple cheatsheet for you to print off…and it’s a ONE PAGER. You can get it HERE.

Wondering if this episode is for you?

It is if:

You want some quick and easy fresh ideas for your office. 

You want to hear from a person who has extensive knowledge about all things flowers, plants and greens.

You need some inspiration and you don’t have a lot of time to put into deciding what you want.


It’s a great episode for you if you have plants and they’re starting to take over your office.

It’s also a great episode for you if you have some plants and they’re dead and dying. Which makes your office look dead and dying too.  

It’s for you if you want to have flowers or plants in your office all year long.


Today’s episode is brought to you by my cute little side hustle, which is called “Flowers at Home Flower Class”. Flowers at Home is a class for people who know very little about flowers, plants and greens and just want to learn the basics with a minimal time commitment. Flowers at Home Flower Class meets the first Wed of every month for one hour. Students learn which flowers to buy when, what flowers are in season, which vases work best for what flowers, which plants and greens are the best buys now. Students learn how to easily incorporate flowers and greens into their everyday. They are taught what to do with the flowers they get from the grocery store or Co-op, and which flowers should last the longest. If you’re curious about this fun little class, you can get more information at


Ok…who’s ready for some flower chat? Plant chat? Greens chat?

Push Play on Episode 20!

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Flora North



Illume Candles Website

Freebie Cheat Sheet Episode 20

Ang Stocke Coaching Links

Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn 

Ang Stocke Coaching Links
Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn