The Brilliant Creative, Business Coaching for Creatives with Ang Stocke

Episode 21: How to let go of (or get better at) Commissioned Work in Your Creative Business

Ang Stocke

Thinking about letting go of some of your commissioned work? Maybe you want to let go of all of it? Or maybe you want more of it? 


Today’s episode is all about commissions…the positives, the negatives and at the end, we’ll talk about how you can structure your commissions so they feel good to you, if you decide to keep taking them.


Who should listen to today’s episode?


Well, if you: 

●     Find yourself putting your commissioned work off until the last possible minute

●     Occasionally resent doing your commissioned projects because they pull you away from other exciting projects, and you’re trying to figure out what to do about it.

●     Want more commissioned projects

●     Do mostly commissioned projects, and you want to refine your systems


You might be saying, OK Ang…I don’t feel strongly one way or the other…..I think I want something in between, some commissions, but not a steady diet of them. If that’s you, this episode is for you too.


We even have coaching homework today…so push play, and let’s talk commissions. You can follow along towards the end with the journal prompts below. These journal prompts are for those of you who have done commissions and are trying to decide if commissions are something you still want to do. This is your coaching homework. 



Here you go:

1.   How much energy, time, heart and soul is commission work taking from you? 

2.   What would open up for you if commission work was off your plate?

3.   What does it feel like to have to do commission work? 

4.   How does it affect your brain? Your heart? Your body? Your energy? Your business? Your happiness? Your relationships? Your money?

5.   Do those feelings line up with how you want to show up for your business?

6.   How do you want to show up in your business?

7.   If you could show up that way, what would that do for you?

8.   If you let go of commissions, what do you know about how you want to let go?

9.   If you let go of commissions, how do you want to communicate this change to the people who need to know? 

10.                 If you let go of commissions, what’s the first day you will stop taking commissions?  

11.                 What does it feel like to even consider letting go of commissions?

12.                 If it feels scary, consider this:

a.   What will happen if you do nothing?

b.   What is the cost of keeping commissions going? Consider mental, emotional, physical, relational, financial. 

c.    What space might open up for you if you let go of commissions?

d.   What space might close for you if you let go of commissions?

e.   What words would you use to describe a commission free business? 

       13. Review your answers. Take a deep breath. 

             What have you become aware of? 

       14. What decision would you like to make?

       15. Create a timeline around your decision. What do you want to

             happen when? What documents or words/verbiage do you

             need ready if you’ve decided to make

             changes around your current commission structure? 


By the end of this episode, I hope you’re feeling clearer on what role you want commission work to play in your busin

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